2015 Suffolk Care Conference ‘Increasing the knowledge of the Independent Sector as a place to work within Pre-registration health students’ Amanda Gibson and Karan Botesford – Norfolk and Suffolk Workforce Partnership
HEEoE on 2 Who we are… We are Health Education England; we support the delivery of high quality care through the recruitment, training and development of NHS staff in the east of England.
HEEoE on 3 Lack of qualified staff to fill vacancies within IPVs Rich varied experiences Pre-registration students historically geared towards acute trust vacancies Current position
HEEoE on 4 Placements for student nurses University looking for quality placements Can contribute to an overall culture of learning Tariff awarded to those that provide placements Placement providers have reciprocal access to CPD funding Contribute to maintenance, development and improvement in standards of care Improving the future
HEEoE on 5 Enable you to input in to shaping the future workforce Promote future recruitment of staff - there is good evidence to show that students who gain a good placement are more likely to return and practice in those areas when qualified. Having learners increases the opportunity for partnership and/or inter professional working Reaffirm staff’s own skills and knowledge in their practice Some more positives
HEEoE on 6 Nursing homes Hospices Prisons GP Surgeries Mental health clinics Our current work Independent Sector Forum Study events Source of current information and news Support
HEEoE on 7 For more information on the work of Health Education East of England and to keep up to date with the latest developments: Visit Find us on Facebook Watch us on YouTube See us on Pinterest Keep up to date with the latest news, follow us on Twitter