Human trafficking is when a person or a group of people are sold to “slavery” involuntarily. Victims of human trafficking are deceived, tricked, and forced to do work that they do not want to do, for FREE Victims are drugged and threatened, fighting for their own lives the victims do whatever they tell them to do Sometimes unknowingly however many times victims are forced to go to other countries where they cannot runaway, also passports and any other items that makes travelling possible.
Sexual reasons – victims become prostitutes but are not paid by their clients, their “owner” takes the money Labor – free labor is done by the victims 1. Transportation – Victims are sold to other countries 2. Abduction – Victims are kidnapped and taken by force 3. Purpose – Victims are exploited to work, sex, and surgical removals for money
Ana was a victim of human trafficking: Sexual She fell in love with a man Parents were unhappy, therefore boyfriend suggests running away Boyfriend encourages Ana to sell herself to other men Ana does, then she is blind folded and sold to various parts of Europe Finally runs away and returns to her home through the police
UNODC: United Nations office on Drugs and Crime, What is human trafficking, trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html com/2009/03/human-wrists1.jpg com/2009/03/human-wrists1.jpg man%20trafficking2.jpg man%20trafficking2.jpg content/uploads/2009/04/mvcorks.jpg content/uploads/2009/04/mvcorks.jpg Blinded, Article from the Huffington Post, services/blinded_b_ html?view=print/ services/blinded_b_ html?view=print/