Nazi Ghettos
A sign in German and Polish posted at entrance 2 to the Warsaw ghetto reads, "Area closed because of epidemic. Only through traffic permitted."
View from a window on the wall dividing the Warsaw ghetto from the Aryan side, showing the segment between Leszno and Nowolipie streets.
Jewish youth peer over the wall overlooking Mirowski Plac (Square) that divided the Warsaw ghetto into the small and large ghettos.
A German officer views the scene on a crowded street in the Warsaw ghetto from the open door of his automobile.
Female vendors sell goods and beverages at an outdoor market in the Warsaw ghetto.
A group of destitute boys on a curb in the Warsaw ghetto.
Jewish children playing on Krochmalna Street in the Warsaw ghetto.
Young boys caught smuggling by a German soldier in the Warsaw Ghetto.
A destitute young boy lies on the pavement in the Warsaw ghetto as other children walk by.
Makeshift tombstones mark the mass grave of Jewish victims in the Warsaw ghetto.
A column of Jews march with bundles down a main street in Krakow during the liquidation of the ghetto. SS guards oversee the deportation action.
Jews being deported from the Warsaw ghetto march to the freight trains. Warsaw, Poland, July-September 1942.