The Role of Practitioner Advisors Penn State – Harrisburg Chapter Case Study Greg Scott and Ryan Mastowski
Greg Scott, PE Buchart Horn Senior Project Manager ASCE Region 2 Governor Pittsburgh Section Past President PSU-H Practitioner Advisor Ryan Mastowski, EIT RETTEW Associates Project Engineer, EE ASCE Vice President- Central PA Section Region 2 YM Representative PSU-H Practitioner Advisor
PSU-H began there probationary period on September 10 th, 2010 Hosted and/or attended 22 events within their first year Attended 2 ASCE regional conferences Hosting Central PA Section Dinner on September 20 th, 2011
Dedicated Advisor Responsive section and practitioner advisors Motivated students
The most important leg of the stool Active member of ASCE Attends section functions and encourages (i.e. politely forces) student involvement Constant connection with the students Dr. Sofia Vidalis, Ph.D
PSU-Harrisburg was supported throughout the engineering program including the Program Chair and the support has continued throughout the groups development and startup. Joseph J. Cecere, Ph.D., CPC, Program Chair Structural Design & Construction Eng. Tech. Civil Engineering Penn State Harrisburg
Sofia Vidalis (FA) and Dan Michaels (PSU-H first year student president) joined LaConie Jackson (Pres- elect), Ryan Mastowski (Treasurer) and Michele Madzelan (Secretary) at a Portland Pirates Hockey Game during the WSBL Conference in Maine this past year.
Section officers embraced the new section members. Stipend given to help get them off their feet Provided mock interviews to students Assisted with travel and regional meeting attendance
Greg has great knowledge and experience within ASCE and the industry Ryan is a recent graduate, local officer, and younger member Both advisors are Penn State Alumni Both are dedicated towards promoting the profession through student chapters
Penn State Harrisburg student officers Jeff Mohn (left) and Vince Collura (right) chat with Practitioner Advisor Ryan Mastowski (center), during the Central PA Engineer’s Week Council (CPEWC) Awards banquet on February 24th, 2011.
Area high school students work with student chapter members at the PA Construction Day held at the Farm Show Complex, promoting the profession to the next generation.
PSU Harrisburg students take careful notes during the Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge Competition, held at Drexel University, preparing for their first opportunity to compete next year.
While a student chapter can stand on only two legs, it takes all three to foster an exceptional student chapter. PSU-H’s dedicated faculty advisor promotes ASCE to her students and spurs involvement. The practitioner advisors make concerted efforts to support the students in all of their activities. The students want to be an active part of the society and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure they receive the most benefit from their membership.