Module 5 Restorative Dentistry
The Aims of Restorative Dentistry To restore teeth and gums To prevent the advance of caries and periodontal diseases To restore oral tissues to function, comfort and aesthetically satisfactory appearance
Restorative Materials – Qualities Required Easy to mix and handle Biocompatible Good adhesion to dentine and enamel Good adhesion to porcelain and metals High compressive strength Low film thickness Adequate working time Fast final set
Tooth Preparation 1.Caries removal Minimal intervention Endodontics Cores & posts 2.Rubber Dam 3.Lining the cavity
Amalgam Silver tin alloy + mercury –Mercury hazard Procedure for placing a filling Advantages Disadvantages
Composite Filling Materials Filler particles + resin + catalyst Classification Procedure for placing a filling Advantages Disadvantages
Glass Ionomer Cements Alumino silicates + polyacrylic acid –Auto-cured GIC –Light cured resin reinforced GIC –Silver reinforced GIC –Fissure sealants Uses Advantages Disadvantages