Graphic definitions Summary of Chapter 10 of the Non-designer’s web book by Robin Williams and John Tollet. Pages ( ) Miss Mary Victor
File Formats File format is the type of file. You can find out the type by the extension. For example.gif, jpg and png are extensions for image type files,.mov is for movie and.html is a website. We shall focus on different image formats. but before that you need to know..
Native file format is the format native to or natural to the program, for instance when you save in Microsoft word the program automatically saves the file as a word document (.doc, docx) that is the native file to the program. Sometimes you have the option of saving the file in more than one format.
Graphic File Formats Vector images Based on mathematical formulas. The application has the word “draw” or “illustrate” in the name. ex. Illustrator. Pixels images Based on pixels (dots on a screen) The application usually has the word “paint” or “photo” in the name ex. paint brush & photoshop There are two kinds of graphic files Graphics on the web are pixel based.
GIF Images pronounced “gif” not “jif”. Developed by CompuServe. Stands for Graphic Interchange Format.
Gifs Properties 1 They are cross platform :work on any computer. They are compressed (Small in size) for ex. Tiff image 2*2 could be 900K while Gif of same dimension is 5K. The small in size helps in fast file transfer on the internet.
Gif properties 2 Animation. The only format with which you can create moving pictures is GIF. Transparency : images shows through the background. interlacing: allows for layers.
GIF Color Lossless compression uses index color : a maximum of 256 colors
GiF is Best for logos, simple images or cartoons
JPEGs pronounced “jay peg”. Stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.
JPEG Properties Cross platform: work on many computers. Does not allow for Transparency thus all files are rectangular in shape. Not interlaced. No layers. Thus you have to wait for image to work its way down slowly.
JPEG Color up to 16.7 Million color! Hence they are better in photographs, watercolor images, pencil or charcoal drawings.
JPEG is Best for? photographs & images with Details: depth, lightening effect and graduations of colors and tones.
PNGs pronounced “Ping” stands for Portable Network Graphics
PNG Properties Alpha level:It has 256 LEVELS of transparency. Interlaced: So you see an image immediately that gradually loads in detail Gamma level: PNG is smart enough to have a property (the gamma) that can detect screen type and adjust brightness accordingly!
PNG Colors Can have 256 colors or 16.7 Million or greyscale !!
Point of Comparison GIFJPEGPNG Stands for Graphical Interchange Format Joint Photographic Expert Group Portable Network Graphics Animation ✔✖✖ Interlacing ✔✖✔ Transparency ✔✖✔ 256 levels Gamma ✖✖✔ Color 256 Colors16.7 Million colors 256, or 16.7 Million or greyscale Best for? Logos, text, simple images, cartoons Digital photographs with details (rectangular) Summary of Main points