The Master Genealogist 4 TMG stores multiple evidence of the same event (each with separate memos and citations) 4 TMG can store ALL your research notes Every PIECE OF DATA has its place in TMG
Persons and Tags in TMG A person record in TMG is like a Pin-Board (each person has an ID number) There are over 100 pre-defined tags in TMG AND you can add your own tags! A tag is like a message pinned to the person (tags can be entered in any order)
Each tag has one of these Tag Types Name Names and variations Event Birth, Death, Marriages, Occupation, Education, etc Address Mailing addresses History Events with many witnesses Relationship Parent-of and Child-of Tag Types in TMG
PERSON ID 1 Person and Tags in TMG Name-Var : given names, surname, memo Birth : date, place,memo Baptism : date, place,memo Death : date, place,memo Burial : date, place,memo Education : date, place,memo Occupation : date, place,memo Education : date, place,memo
4 Mst tags have a Date field a Set of Place fields a Memo field 4 Most tags have 1 principal person; a Relationship tag has 2 principal persons Tag Details in TMG All tags have surety fields to record your belief in the truth of that tag record.
PERSON ID 3 Relationship Tags in TMG PERSON ID 4 Child-of : date, place,memo PERSON ID 1 PERSON ID 2 Marriage : date, place,memo Parent-Child Relationship Marriage Relationship
Witness PERSON ID 3 Witness Tags in TMG Witness PERSON ID 6 Principal PERSON ID 1 Principal PERSON ID 2 Any-Event : date, place,memo Event-Witness Relationship Witness PERSON ID 4 Witness PERSON ID 5
4 Tag Types are separated into Tag Type Groups –Namee.g. Name-Baptm, Name-Chg, Name-Marr, Name-Nick, Name-Var –Relationship –Birth –Death –Burial –Marriage –Divorce –History –Address –Other Event Tag Type Groups in TMG
4 You only have to use the tags you need! 4 TMG tags will handle all the complexity of some multi-partnered families 4 There are many styles of use of the tag-fields; some are more powerful for later reporting 4 BUT you can use tags simply for simple tasks! YOU NOT HAVE TO BE AN EXPERT TO USE IT Tags in The Master Genealogist
The Master Genealogist
4 Demo screen intro -like book