SNAP Outreach in New York State An overview of the SNAP Outreach to older New Yorkers and others conducted by the Nutrition Outreach and Education Program
Welcome and Introductions
Presenter: Diana L. Lezette Training and Instructional Design Coordinator
Agenda: SNAP Outreach in NYS The Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP) Overview Program Achievements Aspects of NOEP Outreach Connecting and Collaborating with NOEP
SNAP Outreach in NYS Eight SNAP outreach projects statewide administered by the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
SNAP Outreach in NYS Catholic Charities Metropolitan Council Project Hospitality Seedco United Way of Buffalo and Erie Counties United Way of New York City LIAH NOEP
Hunger Solutions New York manages: The Long Island Anti-Hunger Initiative (LIAH) SNAP Outreach in NYS
LIAH Covers Nassau and Suffolk Counties Provides SNAP application assistance Uses innovative outreach including: Direct mailings SNAP enrollment events Social media Robocalls Outreach via text messages
LIAH Partners include: Health and Welfare Council of Long Island United Way of Long Island North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) AARP Foundation Island Harvest
The Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP)
NOEP Since 1987 Hunger Solutions New York has managed NOEP. One of the largest SNAP outreach programs in the nation.
56 Counties 51 Agencies 74 NOEP Coordinators
NOEP Achievements: During the contract year: 30,000 new households received SNAP benefits through NOEP assistance. 56,000 prescreenings occurred. 179,000 face-to-face contacts were made with potentially SNAP eligible New Yorkers.
NOEP Achievements: During the contract year NOEP assisted more than: 6,000 disabled individuals 9,300 non-citizens 2,100 veterans and military families 20,000 children
NOEP Achievements: During the contract year NOEP: Assisted more than 13,000 seniors (60 and over) Made more than 1,900 referrals to senior assistance programs Made more than 2,200 referrals to Social Security
NOEP Helps connect potentially eligible New Yorkers to SNAP and other federal nutrition programs.
SNAP in New York State Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: New York Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Feb. 27, 2015
SNAP in New York State NYS OTDA monthly caseload statistics, Sept ,000 NYS Seniors received SNAP in 2014.
NOEP is always free and confidential
NOEP SNAP Application Assistance
NOEP Conducts prescreens to determine if households (including households of one) are potentially eligible for SNAP.
NOEP SNAP Application Assistance Starts with prescreen Can, and often, includes assistance through the whole application process.
SNAP Income Guidelines
SNAP Updates Examples: New Standards in October Excessive EBT card replacement letters Accessing case records – participant rights
SNAP Updates
Medical Deductions After first $35.00 monthly for 60 or older or Disabled.
Translation Services Provided directly by some NOEP Coordinators. NOEP may help secure services. NOEP assisted more than 8,500 households with translation services in contract year.
NOEP Home Visits Provided by many NOEP Coordinators. Over 2,900 home visits made in the contract year.
Beyond Application Assistance New applications are the focus of NOEP work. However, NOEP Coordinators provide some assistance with: Recertification Change reporting
Replacement SNAP Benefits Household misfortune examples: Power outage – 4 or more hours (perishable food) A flood (all food can be effected) Equipment failure Failure to pay utility bill Others
Replacement SNAP Benefits Time sensitive to report to DSS/HRA to submit form Form available: at DSS/HRA Online at OTDA From NOEP
Disaster SNAP Benefits A special SNAP program authorized by USDA as a result of a disaster. NOEP Coordinators given up-to-date information, training and assistance by Hunger Solutions New York.
Barrier Identification and Resolution
Barrier examples that NOEP Coordinators help identify and resolve: Wrong income test applied Benefits not applied to EBT card Households being required to use online application More!!!
Referrals More to come…
NOEP Outreach Initiatives Campaigns NOEP-generated All reviewed
Outreach Examples: Flyers Posters Educational letters Select promo items Spaghetti Strainer Cattaraugus
NOEP Outreach
Special Initiatives
May be piloted. May be certain area. Not a limited time frame. Can come from NOEP interest based on community need and outreach opportunities.
Outreach Campaigns Six Campaigns: Short term Specific theme/audience Statewide Unified message
NOEP Outreach Campaigns Campaign Launch
Campaigns: 1.Success Starts with School Breakfast 2.Heat and Eat – With SNAP, You Don’t Have to Choose 3.Between Shifts, and Between Jobs, SNAP is Working for You
Campaigns: 4.SNAP, It’s Accessible 5.Stay Healthy with SNAP 6.School’s Out! Power Up for Summer Fun!
Heat and Eat. With SNAP, You Don’t have to Choose.
Between Shifts, and Between Jobs, SNAP is Working for You.
SNAP, It’s Accessible.
SNAP: Myths and Misinformation
NOEP: Breaking down myths and misinformation Taking from others Minimum Benefit Paperwork/application difficult Lose our car/home More…
SNAP Minimum benefit: $16.00 for Most receive more than minimum Avg. benefit for a senior living alone is $ * *Source: USDA, Characteristics of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Households: FY Dec. 2014
SNAP Minimum benefit: $16.00 for Most receive more than minimum
NOEP Coordinators assist with paperwork including: copying assisting clients with acquiring documentation and verification helping to fill out applications
130% FPL 200% FPL 0 No Resource Test/No Net Income Test Hh with no senior/disabled member and no child or dependent care (daycare) expenses Not SNAP Eligible Hh with no senior/disabled member, but with child or dependent care expenses No Resource Test/No Net Income Test Not SNAP Eligible No Resource Test/No Net Income Test Hh with a senior/disabled member Resource Test & Net Income Test Required SNAP: Income and Resources
Stay Healthy with SNAP. Older, low-income New Yorkers and caregivers Runs Mid-April through May
Stay Healthy with SNAP. 65% of Seniors experiencing food insecurity are aged
The Broader Impact of Targeted Outreach Boomer Family Caregiver Paid CaregiverGrandchildren Builder
SNAP can help! SNAP can help stretch food budgets and families may be able to put money toward other necessities. Clothing Shelter Medicine Transport Other
Kinship Care
Federal Child Nutrition Programs NOEP also works to increase participation in the School Breakfast Program and the Summer Food Service Program (Summer Meals). School is Out, Summer Meals are in!
Summer Food Costs Nationally 62% of low-income families report spending more on food during the summer, an average increase of $316 more per month. Nationally 43% of low-income families find it harder to make ends meet during the summer. Source: Summer Meals Parents Survey, No Kid Hungry, 2013
Summer Food Service Program a.k.a Summer Meals
School Breakfast Campaign
NOEP Referrals, Presentations and Collaborations
NOEP Outreach Examples: Agency collaborations and referral systems Exhibiting at events Presentations for community members
How to get connected to the NOEP program in your location.
Connect with your NOEP Coordinator. Create a referral system. Let other agencies or organizations know about benefits of NOEP and SNAP.
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Questions? Prepared by a project of Hunger Solutions New York, Funded by NYSOTDA, USDA/FNS, FRAC, The Walmart Foundation and Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.