Parent Information Night Dulaney High School November 17, 2015
Today’s Presentation High School Schedule Graduation Requirements Completer Programs at Dulaney GPA, QPA, Eligibility Registration Process
A Day -B Day A day Period 1 English Period 2 Art/Music Period 3 Science Period 4 PE B Day Period 1 Math Period 2 World Lang Period 3 History Period 4 Elective
What Is a CREDIT? Any course that meets for 1 full period, for 1 year earns 1 credit. Any course that meets for 1 full period for 1 semester earns ½ credit. Any course that meets for 1 full period everyday earns 2 credits. You can drop this slide
What is a Prerequisite? A course that prepares you to succeed in a more challenging course. French 1 French 2 Chemistry Forensics Honors Fundamentals of Art Photography Algebra 1 to Geometry to Algebra 2 Drop the Math Science
Levels of Course Rigor Standard Honors Accelerated Academics/AA/GT Advanced Placement/AP
Graduation Requirements English 4 credits English 9 English 10 PARCC English 11 English 12 Social Studies 3.5 credits Government HSA World History US History Economics and Public Issues EPI .5 or AP Micro/Macro
Graduation Requirements Science 3 Credits Biology H.S.A Science Additional Science is strongly recommended. Math 3 Credits Algebra I PARCC Geometry Algebra II In addition you must be enrolled in a math course all four years of high school
Graduation Requirements Physical Education 1 credit Fitness: Foundations and Mastery Fine Art 1 credit Fundamentals of Art Theater Arts Dance Guitar Band Chorus Orchestra Piano Music Technology
Graduation Requirements Technology 1 credit Engineering Tech Concepts (Available to all students) Engineering Principles & Applications Honors (available to 10-12 grade) Engineering Technology GT (with AP or GT Physics and AP Calculus) PLTW Intro to Engineering Design (Freshman Year if Algebra 1 has been completed) Foundations of Computer Science Honors Health .5 credit
Graduation Requirements English 4 credits Social Studies 3.5 credits Math 3 credits Science 3 credits Physical Education 1 credit Fine Arts 1 credit Technology 1 credit Health .5 credit Total 17 credits
Graduation Requirements Continued Completer Program of 4 additional credits H.S.A.’s & PARCC Test requirements 75 Service Learning Hours
Completers World Language I in high school The College Completer World Language I in high school World Language II in high school Math Beyond Algebra 2 A fourth year of Science is strongly recommended as your 4th elective Many students will take more then two credits of World Language during High school. Dulaney offers World Language up to Advanced Placement 6 or 7.
Career and Technology Education (CTE) Completers CCBC agrees to grant college credit to high school students who successfully complete a specific CTE program through BCPS. The student must complete the minimum four credits with a GPA of 3.0 or better in the CTE program of study. The student must register for a course at CCBC within three years of high school graduation to receive the articulated college credit.
Completer CTE programs Finance and Accounting Principles of Business Administration & Management Accounting 1 Honors Accounting 2 Honors Business Capstone Honors Business Management Principles of Business Administration & Management Accounting 1 Honors Advanced Business Management Honors Business Capstone Honors
Completer CTE Programs Cisco Networking Networking 1 H Networking 2 H Networking 3 H Networking 4 H HVAC HVAC 1 HVAC 2 HVAC 3 Honors HVAC 4 Honors Apprenticeship
Completer CTE programs Computer Science Foundations of Comp Science AP Comp Science Principles AP Comp Science A College Course Internship
Completer CTE programs Project Lead the Way Engineering Intro to Engineering Design Honors Digital Electronics Honors Principles of Engineering Honors Aerospace Engineering Honors Engineering Design & Development Honors
Completer CTE Programs School to Career Career Research & Development 1 Career Research & Development 2 2 credits of work experience
Other potential 4 credit programs Art-Fine Art, Digital Art, Photography AVID Dance English- Journalism, Yearbook, Speech, Writing Music- Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Guitar Theatre These are not completers, you must complete another program (college) in addition to any of these programs.
Review 17 credits of core course 4 credits in a Completer Sequence 21 credits total Pass High School Assessment (H.S.A.’s & PARCC) requirements 75 hours of service learning
Early College Access Programs at CCBC Dual Enrollment- Take up to four classes tuition free, Fall and Spring semester only. Eligibility requirements overall 2.5 GPA Parallel Enrollment PEP- Pay only 50% of the tuition rate. All students eligible including Fall, Winter , Spring and Summer sessions. Dual Credits between BCPS and CCBC
Special Programs for Seniors Internships Release time-parent permission required- students with release time are not permitted to be on campus during school hours.
GPA and QPA GPA – Grade Point Average-unweighted GPA This is a straight mean or average calculation of your grades QPA – Quality Point Average-weighted GPA This factors the rigor of your course selections. Honors and AA/AP classes earn more points, therefore a higher QPA. Class rank is always reported based on QPA
Athletic Eligibility 2 E’s the quarter previous to the sport season results in athletic ineligibility. In addition you must maintain a 2.0 or C average in that same quarter. This includes from fourth quarter, not the final grade, into the following fall sports season as a students rises. Incoming 9th grade students get a fresh start.
Grade 09M November 17 Parent Information Night 6:30 pm Course Credit Dulaney High School 2016-2017 Registration Calendar 09 2016 – 2017 Pre-Registration Form Grade 09M November 17 Parent Information Night 6:30 pm Extra, Juan Course Credit 1009004 English 9 Hon 1.0 1509005 American Government GT 1.0 __________________ 2022004 Hon Geometry 1.0 Student Signature 2510004 Hon Biology 1.0 3080304 Hon Chinese 3 1.0 Get rid of the dates on the right
Automatic Course requests Course recommendations are generated by logical course progressions and by the current teacher’s level recommendation. Appeals
Next Steps: School counselors will be in the Dulaney classrooms 11/16 through 11/23 and in the middle schools on December 8th and 9th to review the process and provide materials for the students to bring home to share with you all. Dulaney students will then have an individual meeting with their school counselor in early December to collect the materials and review the student’s Four Year Plan. Middle School Students will turn their forms into their current school counselor
Follow Us On Twitter @DulaneyHigh Principal Wynkoop @fyshrking76 Ms. Berry Gd.9 Administrator @arb7102 Mrs. Culbertson STAT @Kculbertson2 @DulaneyLions
It’s time to… Seek information Ask questions If questions arise in the future, please call your student’s guidance counselor, 410-887-7635