Session 3: Employment and Skills Development
Extent and nature of the skills mismatch? Documented most recently by WB STEP surveys, e.g.: In Georgia, One in three employers have difficulty in hiring professional workers and highly skilled white collar workers.
What’s the problem? For example, in Azerbaijan: Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPs) – 54% of companies think that lack of adequate skills and education of workers is a major obstacle for doing business; for one third it was the most problematic factor
Mis-matching and over-education On the one hand: Shortage of Practical Skills AND Shortage of “Soft” Skills Georgia: 40% of unemployed have a higher education degree (in urban areas: 46%) 30 percent of employed in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine, consider that the level of education necessary for doing their job is lower than the level of education they hold.
Moldova: education level of unemployed
VET: Changing Perspectives and Changing Roles Source: From ILO. N.D. The Changing Role of Government and Other Stakeholders in Vocational Education and Training. Image obtained from ACPET
Lots to discuss…..