Frank Marcinowski Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Compliance Office of Environmental Management U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Program EM’s Radioactive Waste Management 2007 Intergovernmental Meeting October, 2007
2 EM Program EM is re-focused on providing complex-wide leadership in management and disposition of DOE waste streams - Zero tolerance for non-compliance with requirements Pending organizational changes in the Office of Regulatory Compliance (EM-10) will improve integration of waste and excess nuclear material disposition efforts –Move of EM’s nuclear materials program activities to EM-10 DOE’s waste management policy remains unchanged DOE’s Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Records of Decision are still valid
3 High-Level/Liquid Waste Management Tank retrieval progress “Section 3116”/Waste Incidental to Reprocessing DOE Order Allow residual waste (tank heels) to be left in place and managed to meet LLW requirements Tank closures at Idaho and Savannah River Saltstone Status Facility highlights –Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford resumed construction –Integrated Waste Treatment Unit at Idaho for Sodium Bearing Waste
4 Transuranic Waste Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Summary –50,831 m 3 of defense transuranic waste disposed –Completed 6,109 shipments Remote-handled (RH) shipments began in January –65 RH shipments received to date –Ramp up in RH shipments at INL continues (increased to 4 shipments per week in September) WIPP must be recertified by EPA every 5 years –First recertification approved in March 2006 –Second recertification application under development for submission in March 2009 Shipment data as of 10/1/07
5 Transuranic Waste (continued) Removed legacy transuranic waste from 13 sites Shipments from large generator sites continue –FY 2008 shipment goal is 25 contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) and 6 remote-handled (RH-TRU) transuranic shipments per week Site highlights –Idaho National Laboratory Completed 2,414 shipments of contact- and remote- handled TRU waste to WIPP. Idaho was the first shipper of RH-TRU waste and has shipped 65 shipments to date. Shipment data as of 10/1/07
6 Transuranic Waste (continued) –Los Alamos National Laboratory Completed 329 shipments (including 59 of the 235 total drums of their high-activity waste) –Savannah River Site Completed 809 shipments of contact-handled TRU waste to WIPP. On June 30, 2007, SRS also met the TRU waste shipping milestones agreed to with the State of South Carolina ahead of schedule. –Richland Completed 367 shipments of contact-handled waste to WIPP. Shipment data as of 10/1/07
7 Low-Level/Mixed Low-Level Waste DOE has reinstated DOE-wide life-cycle waste forecasts –Waste Information Management System –Development of disposition planning tools continues On-site disposal continues at most sites, but volumes requiring off-site waste disposal continue to drop Taking steps to optimize disposal operations at the Nevada Test Site –Increased review of waste generators sending waste to Mixed Waste Disposal Unit –Transition to direct funding disposal operations
Off Site LLW/MLLW Disposition has Declined
9 Low-Level/Mixed Low-Level Waste Site/campaign highlights –West Valley Demonstration Project drum cell cleanout is complete and shipments to NTS will complete by the end of October. –Mound OU-1 LLW to Clive (over 450 railcars of soil debris so far this year) –Astabula and Fernald complete in early FY 07 Fernald Silo 1 and 2 waste stored at WCS pending disposal. Toxic Substances Control act Incinerator continues to operate as DOE-wide treatment solution –1,000,000+ pounds of TSCA waste burned this fiscal year
10 Greater-Than-Class C LLW Disposal EM has initiated efforts to develop an Environmental Impact Statement for GTCC LLW Disposal –Notice of Intent published in July 23, 2007 –Public scoping process completed September 21, 2007 DOE is evaluating disposal alternatives for 2,600 m 3 of commercially generated GTCC, as well as 3,000 m 3 of DOE “GTCC-like wastes” The Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires DOE to report to Congress on alternatives evaluated in EIS and await their action before issuing a Record of Decision.
11 Programmatic Developments DOE programs remain responsible for their newly generated wastes –Encourages waste minimization EM continues to facilitate DOE-wide integration –Disposal cost analysis guidance in preparation –Review of commercial disposal exemption requests –Working with Federal Project Directors to solve waste disposition issues
12 Materials Disposition Efforts continue to ensure unneeded, surplus nuclear materials are processed for disposition These plans are integrated with waste disposal plans Planning underway for limited SNM and SNF campaigns to support consolidation (FY 08 and beyond) Construction of the DUF 6 conversion facilities continue –NEPA analysis for disposal sites underway U 233 /Building 3019 Stabilization Project continues –Future processing will prepare U 233 for permanent disposal EM supports Departmental efforts to ensure disposition for small volume material streams, as well
13 Background slides
LLW/MLLW — If practical, disposal on the site where generated — If on-site disposal not available, at another DOE disposal Facility — At commercial disposal facilities if compliant, cost effective, and in the best interest of DOE TRU Waste — If defense, dispose at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) — If defense determination pending, safe storage awaiting future disposition HLW and SNF — Stabilization, immobilization/treatment if necessary, and safe interim site storage until geologic disposal is available DOE Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste* Management, Establishes Policy & Framework for Waste Disposition Activities * Other documents define plan for interim management of special nuclear materials (SNM); excess SNM disposal plans are integrated with waste plans
DOE’s Waste Disposal Complex Hanford Pantex Plant Brookhaven Knolls Princeton (PPPL) Savannah River Oak Ridge ITRI General Atomics ETEC Sandia SLAC LBNL LLNL Ames RMI ANL Fermi Portsmouth Paducah Mound BCL Bettis Kansas City NTS INL CERCLA Disposal Facility Fernald Regional LLW Disposal Facility DOE Generator Site (no on-site disposal facility) LLW Operations Disposal Facility MLLW Operations Disposal Facility Legend Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for TRU disposal LANL Sandia WIPP West Valley Yucca Mountain repository for HLW/SNF disposal Sites are closed Rocky Flats DOE Waste Management Policy: LLW and MLLW: If practical, disposal on the site at which it is generated. If on-site disposal not available, at another DOE disposal facility. At commercial disposal facilities if compliant, cost effective, and in best interest of the Department TRU waste: If defense, disposed at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico. If non- defense, safe storage awaiting future disposition HLW and SNF: Stabilization, if necessary, and safe storage until geologic disposal is available
Presentation of Waste Forecast Data in WIMS: Disposition Map for Kansas City Plant AFTER
Presentation of Waste Forecast Data in WIMS: Shipments from Idaho National Laboratory AFTER