T ier 4 – Specially Designed Learning IN ADDITION TO TIERS 1-3, targeted students receive specialized programs, methodologies, or instruction Greater frequency.


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Presentation transcript:

T ier 4 – Specially Designed Learning IN ADDITION TO TIERS 1-3, targeted students receive specialized programs, methodologies, or instruction Greater frequency of PM of student response to intervention Tier 3 – SST-Driven Learning IN ADDITION TO TIERS 1 & 2, targeted students receive: intense, problem- solving to identify individual student needs Targeted research-based interventions tailored to individual needs Frequent Progress Monitoring/ analysis of student response to intervention Tier 2 – Needs-Based Learning IN ADDITION TO TIER 1, targeted students receive instruction that is different including : Standard Intervention Protocol Process to identify and provide research-based on need and resources On-going Progress monitoring to measure student response to intervention guide decision-making Tier 1 – Standards-Based Classroom Learning Universal Screening Implementation of Georgia Performance Standards through Standards-Based Classroom Structure Differentiated Instruction including flexible grouping, multiple means of learning, and demonstration of learning Progress Monitoring Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bibb County School District RtI Process 80-90% 10-20% 5-10% 1-5% (Does not include Gifted, ESOL, or Speech)

RtI: Engaging In A Relentless Pursuit Of Success for Every Student! Failure CANNOT Be An OPTION!

Let’s Kahoot! Join at Kahoot.it

RtI: Elementary School Teams Review Universal Screener Data Review Historical Student Data Determine Specific Skills/Instructional Gaps Needing to be Addressed (Reading, Math, Social Skills/Behavior) Provide Instruction/Intervention Specific to Skill/Instructional Gap Monitor Student Response to Intervention Monitor Student Progress/Grades in Content Areas Analyze Data at Mid-Term & Quarterly to Determine Next Steps Return Students to Tier 1, Continue Interventions/Support, Referral Repeat Process Beginning with 3 rd Bullet as Necessary

RtI: Middle School Teams Review Universal Screener Data Review Historical Student Data (Attendance/Engagement, Academic, Discipline) Determine Specific Skills/Instructional Gaps Needing to be Addressed (Reading, Math, Social Skills/Behavior) Provide Instruction/Intervention with a Focus on Content Literacy Monitor Student Response to Intervention Monitor Student Progress/Grades in Content Areas Analyze Data at Mid-Term & Quarterly to Determine Next Steps Return Students to Tier 1, Continue Interventions/Support, Referral Repeat Process Beginning with 3 rd Bullet as Necessary

RtI: High School Teams Review Universal Screener Data Review Historical Student Data (Attendance/Engagement, Academic, Discipline) Provide Instruction/Intervention with a Focus on Content Literacy Design/Provide Support Using Edgenuity/E2020 for ALL Core Courses Monitor Student Response to Intervention Monitor Student Progress/Grades in Content Areas Analyze Data at Mid-Term & Quarterly to Determine Next Steps Return Students to Tier 1, Continue Interventions/Support, Referral Repeat Process Beginning with 3 rd Bullet as Necessary

Reading: A Gateway Skill In a sample of 54 students, Juel (1988) found that there was an 88% probability of being a poor reader in 4 th grade if you were a poor reader in 1 st grade 75% of the variance in academic achievement can be attributed to reading Students at the bottom 20-25% require a different kind of effort Calender, W. (2015). Improving and Supporting Instruction in a RtI School: The Role of Instructional Leadership SSTAGE 2015 RtI Fall Conference, Dublin, GA

Reading: A Gateway Skill Grade College & Career Ready “Stretch” Lexile Bands 1190L to 530L 2420L to 650L 3520L to 820L 4740L to 940L 5830L to 1010L 6925L to 1070L 7970L to 1120L 81010L to 1185L 91050L to 1260L L to 1335L 11 and L to 1385L The Lexile Framework for Reading is a scientific approach to measuring reading ability and text demand involving a scale for measuring reading ability and text complexity.

Reading: A Gateway Skill Grade College & Career Ready “Stretch” Lexile Bands 1 (34.8% 2 nd )190L to 530L 2 (29.6% 3 rd )420L to 650L 3 (36.6% 4 th )520L to 820L 4 (19.4% 5 th )740L to 940L 5 (43.5% 6 th )830L to 1010L 6 (40.6% 7 th )925L to 1070L 7 (51.1% 8 th )970L to 1120L 8 (49.6% 9 th )1010L to 1185L 91050L to 1260L L to 1335L 11 and L to 1385L The new Milestones will take the lowest score within the grade-level band to determine College and Career Readiness.

Reading: A Gateway Skill Our District’s data suggests that we have a great number of students who are falling at the bottom 20-25% Students at the bottom 20-25% require a different kind of effort Brainstorm with your elbow partner your suggestions on improving what the data suggest

Reading: A Gateway Skill MindSet Efficacy

Key Components for Effective Teaching Teach Essential Skills and Strategies Effective reading teachers teach – Skills – Strategies – Concepts Retrieved from

Key Components for Effective Teaching Provide Differentiated Instruction/ Adapt Instruction to Meet Student Needs – Effective Teachers Recognize that One Size Doesn’t Fit ALL and Adapt Instruction Both Content & Methods Retrieved from

Key Components for Effective Teaching Provide Explicit & Systematic Instruction With Lots of Practice – Students Should Not Have to INFER What They Are Supposed to LEARN Retrieved from

Key Components for Effective Teaching Provide Opportunities to Apply Skills & Strategies In Reading & Writing – Students Need to be Taught What to Do When They Get to a “Hard Word” Retrieved from

Key Components for Effective Teaching Don’t Just COVER Critical Content— Be Sure Students LEARN It—Monitor Student Progress Regularly & Reteach As Necessary – Effective Teachers Adjust Their Teaching Accordingly to Accelerate Student Progress Retrieved from

School-Wide Approach Students are Screened Support is Aligned to Student Needs & is Immediate Support is Structured for SUCCESS Monitoring System Evaluates Effectiveness of Supports Pre-Established Goals Must Be Met Focus is to Assure Effective Systems Are We There Yet?

What Are You COMMITTED To Do To Get There?

Features of Effective Instruction 1. Model instructional tasks when appropriate. 2. Provide explicit instruction. 3. Engage students in meaningful interactions with language during lesson. 4. Provide multiple opportunities for students to practice instructional tasks. 5. Provide corrective feedback after initial student responses. 6. Make sure students are engaged in the lesson during teacher‐led instruction. 7. Make sure students are engaged in the lesson during independent work. 8. Make sure students are successfully completing activities at a high criterion level of performance. 9. Encourage student effort.

RtI: Engaging In A Relentless Pursuit Of Success for Every Student! Failure CANNOT Be An OPTION!

Smart RtI: “working with students to help steer them clear of school dropout, unemployment, incarceration, poor health, and other life-limiting sequelae (consequences/negative after-effects) of inadequate academic performance.” ~~Fuchs, Fuchs, & Compton (2012)~~