1 WSU 4-H Program Policy Jeopardy Game Game Instructions MembershipOrganizationStaff Animal Management Safety 20
2 They are in the 12 th grade or have not reached their 19 th birthday before Jan. 1
3 Who is in their last year of 4-H?
4 It is contrary to law and to the purposes and policies of WSU and USDA
5 What is discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, or sexual orientation?
6 They have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation.
7 What are persons with disabilities?
8 It is governed by congressional action administrative policy, and it is subject to approval by the County Extension Office.
9 What is the use of the 4-H name and emblem?
10 Must be carefully accounted for and used only to directly support the 4-H program
11 What are funds raised by a 4-H Club or group?
12 They are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous, ethical, and respectful manner
13 Who are 4-H members, parents, families, staff and volunteers?
14 Must be at least 18 years old and not enrolled as a 4-H member.
15 What is an Adult Volunteer?
16 They are expected to be: - familiar with C1001 guidelines (WSU Child Abuse Information) - background checked
17 What are new Extension Volunteers who work with youth, including host family members and chaperones?
18 This state of Washington law protects adult volunteer leaders.
19 What is the tort claims law?
20 It will not be tolerated in the 4-H Youth Development Program.
21 What is cruel, negligent treatment and handling, and illegal substances administered to an animal?
22 It may not compete in the same class or lot at an event.
23 What are two 4-H members jointly caring for and showing one animal?
24 These animals must be under the 4-H member’s regular care and management for 90 days prior the official county exhibit activity.
25 What is Equine; Breeding Beef; Llama; Dairy?
26 All 4-H members participating in these projects and activities must wear approved headgear.
27 What is equestrian; bicycle; challenge; ATV?
28 Cross-age competitive events are not allowed for them.
29 What is Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior?
30 Members must be in the 3 rd grade and have reached their 8 th b-day by Jan. 1 st of current 4-H year to be eligible for this type of project.
31 What is a large animal project, shooting sports or food preservation?
32 Game Instructions! This game contains 15 answers and questions about Washington State 4-H Policy. It is based on the popular “Jeopardy” TV Game show. To prepare to play this game between two groups or individuals, the moderator should print out the list of answers & questions by choosing “File” menu, “Print” and “Print what? Outline view.” Instructions: Designate some one in the room as score keeper for the two teams or players. Double-click the PowerPoint Show file. A player (side A or B) chooses a category at the top of slide one, and a point level. Click on the NUMBER of the chosen point level. An ANSWER slide appears. The moderator reads the answer, “And the answer is….”. The player has 7 (or so) seconds to phrase the correct response IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION. (Time is up 7 seconds after appearance of the Answer). Click again and the correct question response is verified. Click on the HOME button to return to the Game Board and choose the next ANSWER and point level.