ITRS workshop on Emerging Spin and Carbon Based Emerging Logic Devices George Bourianoff, Intel Jim Hutchby, SRC Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel Conference Room D2 Sept 17, 2010 (8:00 – 18:30) Seville, Spain
Outline ERD charter Background Meeting Objectives Next steps, timeline Agenda
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 3 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Charter of ERD Chapter On behalf of the 2011 ITRS, develop an Emerging Research Devices chapter to -- Critically assess new approaches to Information Processing technology beyond ultimate CMOS Identify most promising approach(es) to Information Processing technology to be implemented by 2024 To offer substantive guidance to – Global research community Relevant government agencies Technology managers Suppliers
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 4 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Scope of ERD Chapter Integrated emerging research memory, logic and new architecture technologies enabled by supporting -- Materials and process technologies Modeling and simulation Metrologies Selection of specific technical approaches shall be Guided by fundamental requirements Bounded by ERD’s topic selection criteria
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 5 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Scope of ERD Chapter Criteria for Including Technology Entries Devices and Architectures – Published by 2 or more groups in archival literature and peer reviewed conferences, or Published extensively by 1 group in archival literature and peer reviewed conferences Technology Entry (by itself or integrated with CMOS) must address a major electronics market. Materials and Fabrication Technologies – Materials and processes that address the specific material needs defined by emerging research device technology entries Supporting disciplines – specify for crosscut TWGs Metrologies Modeling & simulation
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 6 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Emerging Research Devices Working Group Meeting Objectives Review ERD/ERM 2010 Workshops (cont’d) Logic Devices Summary of VLSI Tech Workshop on III-V MOSFETs Assessment of III-V compound & Ge MOSFET technology Carbon-based nanoelectronic devices Spin Transfer Torque logic devices Review plans for ERD Device workshop in Seville, Spain on Sept. 17 Emerging Research Architectures (Logic device benchmarking) Current status Plans for 2010 – 2011 Summary of potential changes in 2011 ERD Chapter Summary of potential changes in 2011 ERM Chapter
Background ITRS rewritten on a 2 year cycle –Information gathering workshops and chapter writing done on alternate years –2010 is devoted to workshops –Previous Emerging Logic Workshop was held in Tsukuba, Japan 2008 focusing on spin and graphene devices This workshop will review significant accomplishments in those areas in the intervening 2 years
Meeting objectives Review significant new research initiatives in spin based logic Review significant research programs and accomplishments in graphene based logic Hold brief business meeting –Discuss 2011 ERD Logic Table structure and en tries –Discuss potential writing assignments
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 9 ERD/ERM WG 4/6-7/2010 Barza, ITALY Workshop & FxF Meeting Morning AGENDA Progress, status and research needs for spin based logic elements – Sept, 17, :00Welcome and Introductions G. Bourianoff 8:15Overview of DARPA Spin Logic Program D. Shenoy 8:50Nano-magnetic LogicS. Hu 9:25All Spin LogicB. Bhin-Aein 10:00 Break 10:15Magnetic FPGA Spin in LogicT. Hanyu 10:50"TIMARIS" Linear dynamic deposition technology W. Maass for production of spintronic devices 11:25Wrap-up and DiscussionG. Bourianoff 12:00Lunch
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 10 ERD/ERM WG 4/6-7/2010 Barza, ITALY Workshop & FxF Meeting Afternoon AGENDA Progress, status and research needs for graphene based logic elements – Sept. 17, :15Graphene Logic DevicesP. Kim 13:50Analog & RF Graphene – based FETsC.Y. Sung 14:20GRAND Perspectives on Graphene ElectronicsH. Kurz 15:00Break 15:15Gate induced Bandgap for Graphene Devices T. Tsukagoshi 15:50Graphene Research at CEAS. Roche 16:25Wrap-up and Discussion J. Hutchby 17:00Break 17:30ITRS Business MeetingJ. Hutchby 18:30Adjourn
Business meeting
Emerging Research Logic Device business meeting Review table structure and make recommendations –2009 had 3 tables plus transition table –Table 1 MOSFETS: Extending the channel to the End of the Roadmap –Table 2 Charge based Beyond CMOS: Non- Conventional FETs and other Charge-based information carrier devices –Table 3 Alternative Information Processing Devices Review table entries and make recommendations
13 ERD 2009 ITRS Winter Conference – Hsinchu, Taiwan – 16 December 2009 New Logic Technology Tables Table 1 – MOSFETs Extending the Channel of MOSFETs to the End of the roadmap _____________ CNT FETs Graphene nanoribbons III-V Channel MOSFETs Ge Channel MOSFETs Nanowire FETs Non conventional geometry devices Table 2- Unconventional FETS, Charge-based Extended CMOS Devices _______________ Tunnel FET I-MOS Spin FET SET NEMS switch Negative Cg MOSFET Table 3 - Non-FET, Non Charge-based ‘Beyond CMOS’ devices _______________ Collective Magnetic Devices Moving domain wall devices Atomic Switch Molecular Switch Pseudo-spintronic Devices Nanomagnetic (M:QCA)
2009 Logic Transition table TechnologyStatusReasonComment RTDoutNo viable logic functionality Has been tracked for multiple revisions Bi-layer tunneling devices InSignificant theoretical work in NRI Band to band tunneling devices In NEMSIn RSFQPossible future device
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 17 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Issues and Decisions for 2011 Chapter - Logic Logic (Baltimore): The following questions were addressed: 1. Is the new organization (e.g. 3 subsections) an effective taxonomy of logic devices? 2. Are the technology entries the best candidates pursed by the research community? 3. Any technology entries in the logic chapter to move to the transition table? Potential candidates for 2011? 4. Right level of details? Mission accomplished concerning current status and critical paths? Refer to Adrian Ionescu’s presentation for his thoughtful answers to these questions (attached to this file). In the Logic Transition Table, the IN/OUT entries for Ge FET, Spin MOSFET, Collective Spin Devices, Pseudomorphic, and Nanomagnetic Devices should be move into the Comment column to the right. Entries in the IN/OUT column might better be technical in nature. (being considered & discussed)
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 18 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Issues and Decisions for 2011 Chapter - Logic Areas for improvements (suggested by Adrian Ionescu): –Introduction of energy efficiency criteria? Important (being considered/discussed) – Role of other functionality than digital of beyond CMOS: image processing, analog, RF, etc. (being considered/discussed) – Convergence of beyond CMOS and More than Moore technology entries? MEMS/NEMS already in (being considered/discussed) –More interaction with emerging architectures needed. (Decided) Transfer to PIDS in 2011 –Alternate channel materials, Ge and III-V Semiconductors (keep CNT and GNR FETs) (Decided) –Unconventional FET s, Tri-Gate, FinFET, GAA FETs, etc. (Decided) Logic (Hsinchu): Transfer to PIDS in 2011 –Alternate channel materials, Ge and III-V Semiconductors (keep CNT and GNR FETs) (Decided) Unconventional FET s, Tri-Gate, FinFET, GAA FETs, etc. (Decided)
19 ERD 2009 ITRS Winter Conference – Hsinchu, Taiwan – 16 December 2009 Resistive Memories Memory Technology Entries Nanothermal –Thermochemical FUSE/Anti-FUSE − Nanowire PCM Nanoionic Memory (Electrochemical) − Cation migration − Anion migration Electronic Effects Memory − Charge trapping − Metal-Insulator Transition − FE barrier effects Nanoelectromechanical Spin Transfer Torque MRAM Macromolecular (Polymer) Molecular Memory FeFET Memory Capacitive Memory
Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 20 ERD WG 7/11/2010 San Francisco, CA. FxF Meeting Issues and Decisions for 2011 Chapter - Memory Memory (Baltimore): In the Memory Section, we need to discuss fabrication and issues related to the select device, either a diode or a transistor, for the storage elements in a cross-bar array. We will include emerging research solid state Storage Class Memory technologies, but not include SCM based on mechanical or magnetic disc storage. The driving issue is to minimize the cost per bit – this is very important. Memory (Hsinchu): No decisions
Proposed changes to the ERD Memory section u To take out the “electronic effect memories” entry from the ERD memory table u The FTJ memory could be covered along with FeFET as a subcategory u Mott Memory could form a stand-alone entry if the ERD group decides, there is a sufficient critical mass of works 21