Reliability Analysis - Overview 4 main components considered Glove Micro - PIC24FJ128GA310 Base Micro - PIC18F87K90 3.3V Power Supply - CC3-0503SR-E 5V Power Supply - VEFT1-SMT
Glove Micro - PIC24FJ128GA310 Parameter name DescriptionValueComments C1Die Complexity Failure Rate bit device πTTemperature Factor 0.24Assume max current draw for power dissipation C2Package Failure Rate 0.025Assumed Hermetic SMT package, 64 pins πQQuality Factor10Commercial grade parts πEEnvironmental Factor 2.0Assume environment is ground, fixed Gf πLLearning Factor1.0>2 Yrs in production Entire design:1.172
Base Micro - PIC18F87K90 Parameter name DescriptionValueComments C1Die Complexity Failure Rate bit device πTTemperature Factor 0.24Assume max current draw for power dissipation C2Package Failure Rate 0.032Assumed Hermetic SMT package, 80 pins πQQuality Factor10Commercial grade parts πEEnvironmental Factor 2.0Assume environment is ground, fixed Gf πLLearning Factor1.0>2 Yrs in production Entire design:0.976
3.3V Power Supply - CC3-0503SRE Parameter name DescriptionValueComments r λdBase Failure Rate0.012Model as Power MOSFET πTTemperature Factor 4.5Picked high thermal coefficient because package is not standard transistor package. πAApplication Factor1.5Power < 2W, so use linear amplification value. πQQuality Factor5.5Assume quality is lower πEEnvironmental Factor 8Assume environment is ground, fixed Gf Entire design:3.564
5V Power Supply - VEFT1-SMT Parameter name DescriptionValue [1] Comments λdBase Failure Rate0.012Model as Power MOSFET πTTemperature Factor 4.5Picked high thermal coefficient because package is not standard transistor package. πAApplication Factor1.5Power < 2W, so use linear amplification value. πQQuality Factor5.5Assume quality is lower πEEnvironmental Factor 8Assume environment is ground, fixed Gf Entire design:3.564
FMECA – Overview One high criticality failure mode Glove PS fail short or input capacitors fail short Causes heating of glove and high stress on the batteries Detected through loss of power LED illumination, loss of function, and heating of glove Glove power supply has internal 5A fuse No protection against short of input capacitors