The Research Team
Living well and enhancing active life: the IDEAL study STUDY SNAPSHOT
VALID is a research study involving people with dementia, and the people who support them (a supporter could be a family member, friend or neighbour). We are looking at the possible benefits of a programme of occupational therapy for people who have been diagnosed with dementia and those who regularly support them.
You can take part if: · You live in your own home or sheltered accommodation · You receive regular assistance from a supporter (A supporter can be a family member, friend or neighbour) · Your supporter agrees to take part as well
Living well and enhancing active life: the IDEAL study The IDEAL study is a UK wide study which started in January 2014 and will continue to invite people into the study until June By taking part and giving your perspective, you will help us to gain a more comprehensive view of what it is like to experience these changes, what helps people to live with these changes, and what needs to be done to improve things.
Living well and enhancing active life: the IDEAL study You can get involved if: You have a clinical diagnosis of dementia (any sub-type) An MMSE score of 15 or above. Cornwall Update 31 participants and 27 relative/family recruited to date.
Structured lifestyle education for people with Schizophrenia – Randomised Controlled Trial “I value these sessions. It gives me more of a positive outlook on my life. It’s great news that we who have schizophrenia are being helped and may possibly get back into life without being large and overweight. Thank you, most enjoyable.” “Although I have not been able to achieve the active lifestyle I had hoped I have lost a lot of weight (14 Kilos) and to that extent I have found the sessions very helpful”
“I’ve enjoyed taking part in STEPWISE. It’s something to do. The facilitators are nice people and very understanding.” “I found that taking part was a very helpful experience. I have learnt so much and was surprised at just how much I have been able to change. I have already lost 3lb’s and it is only the third session. I would definitely recommend this programme”. “I have found the stepwise programme to be a positive interactive experience that gives a good insight into healthy eating”.
A research study into the genetics of Bipolar Disorder & Schizophrenia by University College London and the Mental Health Research Network
Participants with clinical diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Bipolar disorder Healthy volunteers are also required The research aims to find the genetic causes of mental illness
Autism Cohort Study Principal Investigator Cat Crichton
How do post-diagnostic needs tally with local authority priorities for support? What are the current physical and mental health needs for adults on the spectrum? What level of support, if any, is required by adults on the spectrum? Study research questions
Get involved Over 16 with a diagnosis of Autism Carer of an adult with autism Please get in touch on Contact details
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