Care Act Briefing PDSN Conference 19 th November 2014
What does the Care Act do ? It focusses care and support around the person, their needs and outcomes – rather than based on disability, setting or types of service It simplifies and clarifies the law making it easier to navigate so people who need care, carers and those who manage and work in the system can understand It provides for a new capped costs system for funding care and support well-being controlprevention safeguarding
What does this mean for the people of Reading? You pay what you can afford towards the cost of your care, you can defer the payment of residential care fees so that you don’t have to sell your home in your lifetime to pay for care. Care costs after April 2016 are capped at £72k if you are aged over 65, which is the limit on what you will have to spend on eligible care over your lifetime. Once you have reached the cap your local authority will pay the reasonable costs to meet your eligible care needs for the rest of your life. If you receive financial support then you could spend less than this amount. Every year we will review your care needs and your financial situation. From April 2016 we will keep a record of how much eligible care you have needed in total. If you have care and support needs, we can provide the following for you & your carer… an assessment of the care and support you need, a plan detailing what services are right for you and whether you are eligible for state support You may need care and support if you have a condition such as dementia, or other problems that affect your quality of life or ability to carry out daily activities. You will still be responsible for some care-related expenses… If you are in residential care, you will pay towards your living expenses, just like you would if you were living in your own home. This is expected to be around £12k a year in You are responsible for the cost of any additional services that you choose to have beyond what the local authority would provide, such as having a second bedroom in a care home, or help with lower level care needs. info & advice on the services available to help you stay well advice on local services and how much they cost reablement, rehab & other preventative services We can help you with costs you can’t afford if you have less than £23k of wealth. From April 2016 if you receiving residential care the amount may change.
“I am supported to maintain my independence for as long as possible” “I understand how care and support works, and what my entitlements and responsibilities are” “Care and support are responsive to my needs” “I am happy with the quality of my care and support” “I know that the person giving me care and support will treat me with dignity and respect” “I am in control of my care and support” “ My carer is recognised and supported “ What will people say?
Information & Advice and the Reading Services Guide The Reading Services Guide is the key vehicle for providers and Reading Borough Council to meet the Care Act obligations: Information, advice and guidance Prevention programme Support services for people who pay for their own care and support Publish information about the Local Offer: provision for people with disabilities and sensory needs
Have your say.. Care Act Consultation Public consultation launched on 17 th November 2014 for 90 days Consultation covering assessment, eligibility, care planning, carers, the local care market, prevention and charging A range of public events will be held during this time Information leaflets available Main information held on the Council’s website -