Educational Leadership Jane Jones
Leadership: a simple definition “The ability to attract willing followers”
Leithwood: leadership – “a menu of possibilities” Action-centred leadership Authentic leadership Alternative leadership Distributed leadership Female leadership Educational leadership Emotionally intelligent leadership “ Great Man ” leadership (no women?) Group-centred leadership Instructional leadership Invitational leadership
Leaders as historians / potters / poets / actors / healers or anthropological sleuths Manager-centered leadership Moral leadership Leadership by outrage Principled leadership Pedagogical leadership Quiet leadership Servant leadership Strategic leadership
Shared leadership Teacher leadership Transactional leadership Transformational leadership The Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership edited by Michael Fullan
“Change forces” School reform School autonomy Self-evaluation Globalisation School effectiveness and improvement SCHOOL CHANGE IS A SHARED UNDERTAKING
Distributed leadership – creating a leadership web Invitations to leadership: recognising potential and willingness Empowerment: opportunity, scope, space Support, training, coaching Organisational structures that generate leadership contexts Collaborative learning and professional development Personal learning anf mastery (Senge); Maslow’s level of self-actualisation The role of the “designated” leader (HT, Principal, rector etc.): the critical change agent and lighter of fireworks The capacity for followership GOODBYE COMMAND AND CONTROL
Head Teacher Senior management team “Big fish” Heads of departments “Small fry” heads of departments Pastoral coordinators, AEN/SEN etc “Other” – “I’m just a teacher” Traditional pyramid
Head teacher as space probe Subject clusters Maths Languages Science and technology Arts, creative and performing Humanities Sports and sports sciences Cross curricular teams Evaluation and Assessment Language and Learning AEN / SEN Personal and social education Subject cluster and cross-curricular galaxy
The emerging Leadership paradigm: no single heroics The school leadership paradigm is also one of shared leadership. School leadership is beyond the undertakings of one heroic individual. It is simply not possible and may not even be desirable, for one individual to undertake every leadership task within a school. Good school leaders are those who are able to maximise the diverse leadership qualities of others, enabling them to take on leadership within their areas of expertise. They lead by managing, motivating and inspiring people. This may come through individual one-to one work with teachers, pupils, parents or governors, or through creating the impetus within an organisation that encourages and enables people to play an active part in school life. John MacBeath
The emerging Leadership paradigm: no single heroics “ Where heroism is concerned, less can be more. ” Jerome Murphy
My leadership experiences Leader of: A subject department A pastoral team An innovation on school assessment A University Academic Department A national research project A team of Examiners A national team in an international project
Lighting fireworks as a model of leadership Emotionally intelligent leaders: (Peter Early) See the potential of the firework Light the blue touch paper Stand back and watch carefully
Conclusion Pyrotechnics is concerned with the art of making fireworks or a firework display Pyrotechnic leadership! Slogan: Light my fire (give me leadership)