The Life of Jesus by
Jesus demonstrated the first principle, that we serve by leading, by taking the risk of calling people to follow him. By being a leader he exposed himself to being misunderstood, criticized, ridiculed and even murdered. While such potential costs make us uncomfortable, we know that the benefits possible from such risk taking more than compensate. Jesus’ service allowed us to be forgiven and to have an ongoing right relationship with the eternal God. For us, willingness to lead may result in a small group that is truly effective in reaching its goals. Someone in the small group has to serve by initiating and guiding. Especially in the early stages of the group’s life, the leader plays a crucial role in helping the group establish a direction and gain momentum. The designated leader usually serves the small group by: 1. Providing sense of purpose and vision. The leader reminds the group of its purpose. He or she suggests possible commitments and concerns that will shape the identity and activity of the group. 2. Initiating activities. The leader helps members get to know one another, both during and outside group meetings. 3. Encouraging others. The leader involves group members in the life of the group, helping them to use their abilities and resources to serve the group through hosting, providing refreshments, singing, leading studies and so on. 4. Settling expectations. The leader models openness and interest in the group. He or she must be willing to take risks by resolving conflicts and clarifying commitments and intentions. 5. Organizing logistics. The leader helps arrange details of early meetings (time, place, location, necessary resources) and communicates them to all the members.
Servant Teacher
Bullets about being a teacher 10. “Your” accomplishments are always really someone else’s. You’re only doing your job when you’re helping other people do better. If they don’t do well, you’re letting them down and not doing your job.
Bullets about being a teacher 5. You are not a person. You’re expected to know everything. You’re not allowed to have a bad day. You’re not allowed to be stressed or take it easy.
Bullets about being a teacher 4. Everyone thinks they can do your job. Everyone you meet has had teachers and since it never looked that hard, everyone thinks they could do your job. They will never actually say that but will make it abundantly clear several times per conversation.
Bullets about being a teacher James 3:1 “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”
Servant Leader
Calling Servant leaders have a natural desire to serve others.. A desire to make a difference for other people.. Will pursue opportunities to impact others’ lives … will sacrifice self- interests for the sake of others … cannot be taught
Listening Servant leaders are excellent listeners … receptive, genuinely interested in the views and input of others; people instinctively understand that servant leaders want them to share their ideas and that these ideas will be valued.. This skill can be learned.. Is essential
Empathy Servant leaders can “walk in others’ shoes”.. Understand and empathize with others’ circumstances and problems.. Earn confidence from others by understanding whatever situation is being faced,
Healing Servant leaders are people who others want to approach when something traumatic has happened. They develop an appreciation for emotional health and spirit of others … create an environment that encourages emotional mending.
Servant Discipler
Consecrated to Christ Always talking about Christ Ever seeking to secure disciples for Christ Receive others in the name of Christ Common to all believers