SCORECARD Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability 15 October 2015
6. Mechanism to represent the community (community council or other) Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability1 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Decision making mechanisms WP1Some disagreement The mechanism is necessary to provide for the powers required by CWG-Stewardship POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
6. Mechanism to represent the community (community council or other) Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability2 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Implementation model discussion WP1Some disagreement The mechanism is necessary to provide for the powers required by CWG-Stewardship POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
7.3. Individual Board Director removal Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability3 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements PC2 received some proposals to adjust. Also pending on community mechanism discussions WP1To be consideredCommunity rights, specifically to appoint/remove members, recall entire Board POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
Lunch Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability Initial Draft Proposal for Public Comment4
7.1. Reject Budget/strategy Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability5 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements PC2 received some proposals to adjust. Also pending on community mechanism discussions WP1To be consideredThe CWG- Stewardship requires community rights, regarding elaboration and approval of the budget, especially with relation to IANA POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
10. Bylaw changes recommended after stress tests Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability6 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Discuss ST 18 and refine ST-WPSome disagreement POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
3.1. Revised mission, commitments & core values Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability7 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Human rights bylaw article WP4To be considered POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
7.4. Recall of the ICANN Board Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability8 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements PC2 received some proposals to adjust. Also pending on community mechanism discussions WP1To be consideredCommunity rights, specifically to appoint/remove members, recall entire Board POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
11. Items for consideration in Work stream 2 Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability9 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Scope to be defined versus continuous improvement items Co-chairsTo be considered POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
3.1. Revised mission, commitments & core values Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability10 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Refine wording of mission & core values based on public comment feedback WP2To be refinedRepresents the standard of review for the IRP, which is a requirement from the CWG- Stewardship POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
5.1. Independent Review Panel enhancements Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability11 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements WP2To be refinedIRP is a requirement from the CWG- Stewardship POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
5.2. Reconsideration process Enhancements Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability12 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements WP2To be refined POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
10. Stress Tests (Based on WA 4 and ST-WP work) Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability13 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Some comments received on ST 29 & 30 ST-WPTo be refined POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
8.3. SO/AC Accountability Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability14 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Consider SO/AC Accountability WP3To be refined POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
12. Implementation Plan including Timing Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability15 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Co-chairsTo be refinedReviewed draft started POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
6. Mechanism to represent the community (community council or other) Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability16 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Community ForumWP1To be refinedThe mechanism is necessary to provide for the powers required by CWG-Stewardship POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
7.2. Reject Bylaw change Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability17 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Details are pending community mechanism discussions WP1To be refined POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
4.5. Approve “Fundamental Bylaw” change Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability18 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Details are pending community mechanism discussions WP1To be refinedCWG-Stewardship requires fundamental Bylaws mechanisms to protect against future changes of accountability mechanisms POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
4. “Fundamental Bylaws” Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability19 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements ScopeWP2SupportedFundamental Bylaws are a requirement of the CWG-Stewardship POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS
9. AoC reviews transcription into the Bylaws Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Accountability20 SubtopicWorking Party (WP) Owner StatusRelationship with CWG-Stewardship Requirements Refine detailsWP1SupportedCWG-Stewardship requires an IANA Function Review as a “Fundamental Bylaw” POWER PROCESS ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE NEXT STEPS