STATE HIGH PROJECT Agenda ● Background ● Design ● Financial ● Questions C RABTREE, R OHRBAUGH & A SSOCIATES ARCHITECTS
2009 amended CRRA-SCASD parking agreement Key provisions Minimum of 106 parking spaces on the south side of Westerly within a 400-foot radius of the pool entrance gate Supplemental, overflow parking on the north side of Westerly Priority for educational use in August and September SCASD obligations during construction 106 parking space minimum may be met using both sides of Westerly Maintain access to handicapped parking and safe pedestrian access for CRRA patrons Cost is borne by SCASD if SCASD initiates the project
North side more reno than new adaptive reuse adds Delta South side more new than reno unifies core academics learning communities
Site plan Welch Pool parking Delta Program Circulator road Improved stormwater Proposed signals New access point, secure bus loop, & south side event parking Proposed turf fields
State High Massing study Welch Pool view Massing study Welch Pool view
50 spaces 30 spaces 31 spaces 30+ spaces 26 spaces Drop off area Welch Pool improvements
Drop off closer to pool entrance Better traffic circulation Safer access to overflow parking More parking within a 400’ radius of pool entrance Better separation of educational and recreational functions Better aesthetics Meet all terms of amended CRRA-SCASD parking agreement
Debt financing $115 million Project cap - $0State reimbursement - $10 millionCapital reserve - $20 millionReallocation of District debt service __________ $85 millionReferendum cap 30-year 5.30% 2.75 mills Ballot amount finalized in February 2014 Referendum tax phased-in from through (3 years)
Referendum May 20, 2014 (primary) Open to all registered voters Local Governmental Unit Debt Act (LGUDA, Section 8042) Example wording* “Shall debt in the sum of (insert Amount) for the purpose of financing the construction of additions and improvements to the State College Area High School be authorized to be incurred as debt approved by the electors?” Outcome affects authorization to proceed * Subject to approval by Centre County Board of Elections
Next steps NowPre-schematic design Dec-JanCost estimating May 20, 2014Referendum July-Dec, 2014Design development Early 2015Construction documents Spring, 2015Bid Construction
Questions? Our community. Our children. Our future.