Boolean operators Look for two words or phrases AND+ AND
Special words used in advanced searches Boolean Operators
Give credit to the creator Cite the Source
Web addresses that tell the purpose of the web site Domains
Words relating to the topic you are looking for Keywords
Boolean operator that will limit a search NOT-
Boolean operator Finds both words OR
Using someone’s work without giving credit Plagiarism
Allow search for exact phrase “Quotation Marks”
Less than 2 years old Recent
Web site relates to the subject you are searching for Relevant This Although yummy, not this
Well maintained web site Updated recently No spelling and grammar errors Reliable
Software applications Used to search the Internet Contains lists of words Each list points to files on other computers Always search on several search engines Search Engine
Not slated to one opinion Unbiased
Use to enter in keywords URL Address Bar
Find more than one source that says the same things Verifiable