Welcome to Grade 2! Mme Dressaire
Our Class We have 19 students – 8 boys and 11 girls.
Daily Literacy and Math blocks You and Your World: integrated into math and literacy. We have Phys. Ed. on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately. We have Music on Wednesdays. We have Library on Thursdays. We have Art on Fridays. They may want to bring in or wear an old t-shirt for Art so they do not ruin their good clothes.
Homework / Week at a Glance Gives an overview of what we will be covering the upcoming week. A way to connect with your child as to what we are doing in class. Homework will consist of reading each night (to a family member as often as possible), practice of words of the week and sometimes a short Math activity. Any reminders of upcoming events, etc.
Communication Communication Bag: travels to and from school DAILY. This is where you will find notices etc. Please use this bag to send notes, money etc. to school. I will be sending some information via . Please make sure that I have your up-to-date . If you do not use , please let me School Website/Teacher Pages: Very useful tool to keep informed. I will also post Homework/Week at a Glance, important info./dates, and reminders to my teacher page. / / Please contact me via , or call the school with any questions, concerns. Please keep in mind that it can be difficult to check our during school hours. If you need to contact me during teaching hours, please call the school and leave a message with our Admin. Assistants.
Literacy I sent home a double-sided sheet containing the words that we will be working on this year. They will be expected to be able to spell them by the end of Grade 2. We will choose 6-8 words a week (the Grade 2 team) and our word work and some writing activities will focus on those words. We will also do a word family each week. We will begin by reviewing the word families from Grade 1. We will continue with Daily Five during this time. Students will have 20 minutes blocks of reading, writing and word work / spelling activities daily. These blocks will be separated by a 10 minute mini-lesson or teacher- led instruction.
Math We have been reviewing the outcomes from Grade 1. We will begin a unit on Patterns this week. We will cover several different units this year, but many outcomes are intertwined within the units so we revisit them throughout the year. We begin with Patterns, Number, Addition & Subtraction (eventually adding and subtracting to 100), Measurement, Geometry and Data Analysis (making graphs, etc.) Please review the addition and subtraction facts to 20 with your child. There are many online or downloadable games that you can use; flash cards, etc. to make it fun. We use many different tools / manipulatives in class to study and practice the outcomes taught. We also play games to reinforce what we have learned.
You and Your World (YYW) You and Your World (Science, Social Studies, Health) is integrated into our Literacy block. Our outcomes for YYW include Growth & Development, Technology & Community, Work, Healthy Lifestyles, and Change & the Physical Environment.