World Consumption Brian
World Population Graph Questions 1. What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The United States has the largest column. They probably have the largest column because they have the biggest population out of the other counties. 2. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country that has the smallest column is Comoros. They have the smallest column because they have the fewest people in their country. 3. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. In the 5 th ranked country, Italy, it is developed. They are this way because they are rich and have a fairly large population. In 6 th, Afghanistan, is a developing country. 4. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Both Kenya and Togo are developing countries. 5. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. The country that stood out to me is the United Kingdom. The UK produces most of the mineral fuels and oils in the world. They also produce nuclear reactors and parts.
World Internet Users Questions 1. What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The country that has the largest column is the US. They are probably like this way because many families and people have computers, laptops, tablets, and smart phones. 2. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country that has the lowest is Comoros. They are like this way because they can’t have access to computers because they don’t have them. 3. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. The 5 th ranked country is Italy. I think that Italy is developed because they have a fairly large population and a good economy. The 6 th ranked country is Afghanistan. I think it is a developing country. 4. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. The 7 th ranked country is Kenya. The 8 th ranked is Togo. I think they are developing counties because they are both very low in the rankings. 5. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. Afghanistan stands out to me because they have more internet users than I thought they would have had.
Physician Density Rates Questions 1. What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The country that has the largest column is Spain. I think that Spain has a high physician density because it has the most doctors. 2. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country that has the lowest amount is Togo. I think that Togo has a small amount because it is a smaller and poorer country than the other ones on the graph. 3. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. The 5 th ranked country is Italy. The 6 th ranked country is Afghanistan. I think that Italy is a developing country with a rate of 0.21/1000. I think that Afghanistan is a developing country also with a 0.14/1000 rate. 4. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. The 7 th ranked country is Kenya. The 8 th ranked country is Togo. Both Kenya and Togo are developing countries. 5. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. I think that Spain stood out to me on the graph because I thought they would have a lower rate but they have a lot of doctors.