1 Nicolas Seris TI Kenya Integrated Complaints Referral Mechanism at County level
HUMANITARIAN AID INTEGRITY PROGRAMME “ to improve transparency & accountability in the delivery of Humanitarian aid in Kenya” Research Advocacy Capacity Building People engagement /Community monitoring
The project in a nutshell 18-month pilot project (February 2014 – August 2015) Funded by Africa Development Bank (AdB) and TI Kenya Total budget $238,970 ($182,802 AdB and $56,168 TI) Three Counties (Wajir, West Pokot and Turkana) Implemented by TI Kenya and county levels
Turkana County Partners agencies TI Kenya and 13 partners to date Turkana County Government NDMA Kenya National Human Right Commission (KNCHR) International Agencies: ADESO, HelpAge International, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam, Save the Children International and World Vision International Faith based and Local CSOs: Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, LOKADO, TUDOF and TWADO
People’s view: Lack of knowledge, trust & responsiveness Don’t know where to cast their complaint/ don’t know the system exist Don’t have access to reporting mechanisms Are afraid to report Feels that nothing will be done even if they complaint
with existing systems? System failure: Not independent, no referral system Complaints mechanisms are internal & specific to one organisation/ programme No system in place – no complaint No referral system if complaint casted in the wrong place – complaints get lost Each organisation has to ensure linkages with law enforcement institutions/ oversight agencies
Referral system at County level response
Added value of the integrated system One stop shop – easy access for people Provide reporting mechanisms for service providers who don’t have any at the time being Enhance coordination among service providers – information to affected populations – resolution of complaints Establish linkages with County Authorities – contribute to accountability and capacity building Strengthen linkages with Law enforcement authorities/ oversight institutions at County level Improve learning/ information/ programming at county level Feed into advocacy/ County Development plans, etc