Implementing IDEA 2004: 2007 Changes to NYS’ Special Education Laws and Regulations Developed by the Office of Vocational and Educational Services, Special Education, New York State Education Department July 2007 All Rights Reserved
Status Chapter 378 of the Laws of 2007 Retroactive effective date of 6/30/07 2 year sunset Amendments to Parts 100, 120, 200 and 201 of the Commissioner’s Regulations Adopted through emergency action effective 7/1/07 Permanent adoption effective 10/4/07 * Changes based on law
10 New Policy Areas 1. Referrals 2. Evaluations 3. Eligibility 4. CSE Members 5. IEPs 6. Continuum 7. Due Process 8. Discipline 9. Parentally placed 10. Charter Schools
1. Referrals for Initial Evaluation
Who may initiate a referral?* Referral for initial evaluations Parent School District or designee of State educational agency responsible for education of the student Request for referrals Professional staff members of district student resides in or private school student attends Physician Judicial officer Commissioner or designee of public agency responsible for welfare or health of children Student, age 18 or emancipated minor
Referrals when using Rti School district must initiate a referral and promptly request parent consent to evaluate a student who: has not made adequate progress after an appropriate period of time when provided instruction in a “response-to-intervention” process (§100.2(ii))
2. Individual Evaluations and Reevaluations
Consent, timelines, IEEs and reevaluations Parent consent – documentation of attempts to obtain parent consent If parent of home-schooled or parentally placed student refuses consent for initial evaluation or reevaluation, district may not pursue evaluation through due process.
60 calendar days to complete evaluation Parent and district can agree to another timeline if: Child moves into new district and evaluation was initiated in prior district Agree to determine how student responds to research-based intervention (response to intervention)
Independent educational evaluations (IEE) parent right to one IEE for each district evaluation parent disagrees with Reevaluation every three years* unless parent and district agree, in writing, the reevaluation is not necessary
3. Eligibility Determinations
Sources of information Variety of sources Aptitude and achievement tests Parent input Teacher recommendations Physical condition Social or cultural background Adaptive behavior Ensure information from all sources is: documented and carefully considered.
Learning Disabilities Q: If you use an RtI process, must you still conduct a complete individual evaluation? A: Yes May not rely on any single procedure Must include observation of student’s academic performance in the regular classroom Before referral With parent consent, after the referral Must be conducted by CSE member
Are learning problems the result of lack of appropriate instruction in math and reading? Data that demonstrates that prior to, or as part of, the referral process, the student was provided appropriate instruction in regular education settings, delivered by qualified personnel; 60-day timeline unless extended by mutual agreement of the parent and CSE Data-based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals, reflecting formal assessment of student progress during instruction Information must have been provided to parents prior to referral
Who makes the LD determination? CSE Must include student’s regular education teacher; and At least one person qualified to conduct individual diagnostic examinations (e.g., school psychologist, speech/language pathologist, reading teacher)
State Criteria for LD 1. Student does not achieve adequately for age or standards; and 2. Student either: does not make progress (RtI) or exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in: performance, achievement, or both relative to age, standards or intellectual development; and
3. Not result of: visual, hearing or motor disability; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; cultural factors; environmental or economic disadvantage; or limited English proficiency
Use of significant discrepancy State does not prohibit its use Except that effective on or after July 1, 2012 (5 years), a school district shall not use the severe discrepancy criteria for: LD determination in reading in grades K-4.
Written report of LD Determination 1. Does student have a LD ? 2. Basis for making the determination? 3. Relevant behavior noted during the observation and the relationship of the behavior to the student’s academic functioning 4. Educationally relevant medical findings 5. Does the student meet the State’s criteria ?
5. Determination of the CSE regarding exclusionary factors 6. If student participated in RtI: Instructional strategies used and the student centered data collected; and Documentation that parents were notified amount and nature of student performance data, general education strategies used for increasing the student’s rate of learning; and right to request a special education evaluation.
Response to Intervention §100.2(ii) Minimum requirements Appropriate instruction in general education class Screenings Levels of targeted intervention Repeated assessments Application of information to make educational decisions Written notification to parents School selects structure and components Ensure fidelity of implementation
4. CSE/CPSE Members
Member attendance not necessary* Parent and district may agree, in writing Attendance of a CSE/CPSE member not necessary - area will not be discussed Request to parent in writing 5 days in advance of meeting Parent can request/agree at any time Does not apply to attendance of parent of student or municipality appointee (CPSE)
Excusal of members* Excusal of members – area to be discussed Request to parent in writing 5 days in advance of meeting Must include written input of member Requires parent consent in writing Parent can request/agree at any time Written input from the member to be excused must be given to parent before meeting and a reasonable time before obtaining consent of the parent Does not apply to attendance of parent of student or municipality appointee (CPSE)
CPSE Early intervention representative is a member at the request of the parent of the student transitioning from EI to preschool special education
5. IEP Development Individualized Education Program
Include academic and functional goals All IEPs developed on or after January 1, 2009 must be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner
Changes to IEP after the annual review* The parent and district may agree to change the IEP without a meeting If parent requests changes and district and parent agree If district proposes changes, submits written proposal in language understandable to the parent and provides parent opportunity to discuss with providers After agreement in writing, parent receives prior notice and copy of IEP or document that amends the IEP.
IEP Implementation* Section 4410 (Preschool) IEP must be implemented as soon as possible following development of the IEP, but not later than 30 days from the recommendation of the CPSE.
6. Continuum of Services
Consultant teacher and resource room services CT and RR combined – meet minimum level of service requirement if the combination of such services is at least 3 hours per week. CT definition clarified – direct CT means services provided to the student in the general education class
Integrated Co-Teaching Services May add to continuum Requires special education teacher and general education teacher No more than 12 students with disabilities in the class (effective 7/1/08) Teacher aides/teaching assistants can not be in place of the special education teacher.
Preschool special classes Maximum class size of 12 Preschool programs at maximum enrollment may temporarily enroll an additional preschool child, with the assignment of additional staff, when there is no other appropriate program available to serve the student
7. Due Process Prior notice Procedural safeguards notice Meeting notices Mediation Impartial hearings and appeals Resolution sessions State complaints Parent participation in meetings Surrogate parents Parent consent Confidentiality of personally identifiable information
Prior written notice “Notice of recommendation” Effective January 1, 2009, all prior notices must be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner
Meeting notices Effective January 1, 2009, all meeting notices must be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner
Procedural Safeguards Notice Notice must be given to parent at least one time a year and upon initial referral or parental request for evaluation; upon the first filing of a due process complaint notice to request mediation or an impartial hearing; upon request by a parent; upon receipt of first State complaint in a school year received from a parent ; and whenever there is a disciplinary change in placement
Mediation A mediator must not have a personal or professional interest that conflicts with the person’s objectivity Repeals that the parent and district may have to sign a “confidentiality pledge”*
Due process complaint notice Sufficiency challenge – IHO must be notified within 15 days of receipt of the complaint notice. The parties cannot challenge the sufficiency of a due process complaint notice during an expedited impartial hearing (a hearing relating to discipline issues)
Resolution Process Steps to ensure parent participation Failure to participate School may request IHO dismiss parent complaint at the conclusion of 30 days Parent may request IHO begin hearing if district fails to convene meeting within 15 days of receipt of complaint
Impartial hearings School district request for hearing Hearing commences within 14 days after IHO is appointed Parent request for hearing Hearing commences within 14 days after Parties waive resolution meeting; or IHO notified resolution meeting held and no agreement reached; or Expiration of 30 day period; unless Parties agree to continue mediation after 30 day resolution period, then hearing begins 14 days after either party withdraws from mediation.
State complaint procedures Information required in a complaint Party filing complaint must forward a copy to the district at same time sent to SED District must provide parent with copy of Procedural Safeguards Notice upon receipt of first State complaint in that school year. Timeline to resolve complaint may be extended if parties agree to mediation Alleged violation occurred within one year Remedy may include compensatory services*
Pendency Child transitioning from early intervention (EI) to preschool District not required to provide EI services If found eligible, district must provide those services not in dispute between parent and district.
Surrogate parents For unaccompanied homeless youth Appropriate staff of emergency shelters, transitional shelters, independent living programs and street outreach programs may be appointed as temporary surrogate parents until another surrogate can be appointed.
8. Discipline
Determining if there is a pattern of removals Removals cumulate to more than 10 school days in a school year Student’s behavior is substantially similar to student’s behavior in previous incidents that resulted in the series of removals Additional factors (length, total time, proximity of suspensions) Determination on a case-by-case basis Subject to due process challenge
Functional behavioral assessments Behavioral intervention plans CSE must: conduct an FBA (if one has not been conducted) and implement a BIP (or if developed, review and modify if necessary) whenever there is a manifestation determination (behavior is related to the disability)
Determining services and setting - students suspended for more than10 school days in a school year If not a disciplinary change in placement – school personnel in consultation with the student’s teacher If a disciplinary change in placement – the CSE
Expedited impartial hearings No sufficiency challenge to due process complaint notice Must schedule resolution session within 7 days Resolution period ends at 15 days Impartial hearing must begin within 20 school days of date complaint filed IHO decision within 10 school days after hearing No extensions
9. Parentally placed students*
District of Location* Child find, including evaluations Expenditure of proportionate share of federal funds Consultation with nonpublic school and parent representatives CSE meetings Eligibility and recommendations for services Equitable provision of services
NYS Resident Students* Parents request services, in writing, by June 1 of the preceding year to the district of location IESP – Individualized Education Services Program Based on student needs Developed by CSE Same contents as IEP
Transition * District of residence sends IEP to district of location, with consent of parent IEP deemed IESP, unless district of location CSE meets to develop a new IESP If evaluation started in district of residence, can be shared with district of location who can adopt, in whole or in part, evaluation conducted in other district IEPs binding on district of residence 2007 – parent has 30 days from date law goes into effect to request in writing services from the district of location (August 18, 2007).
Provision of services* Equitable basis Compared to special education programs and services provided other students with disabilities attending public and nonpublic schools located within the school district
Due Process* Parentally placed students who are residents of NYS can use the due process procedures to resolve disputes Due process complaint notice goes to district of location Unless parent is disputing a district of residence’s offer of FAPE (IEP)
Recovering of costs* District of location may charge district of residence for actual costs for: Evaluation CSE administration Services Parent consent to share personally identifiable special information between the districts is required for billing. If no consent, district can submit claim to SED on form prescribed by the Commissioner.
Students who are not NYS residents* Services Plan (SP) Based on the proportionate share of federal dollars Determined through the consultation process No FAPE entitlement No process for district of location to recover costs for evaluations or CSE Due process for evaluations only
10. Charter Schools*
Special Education Services* If the Charter school arranges to have the school district of residence provide special education, such district must provide services in the same manner it serves students with disabilities in other public schools in the district, including the provision of supplementary and related services on site to the same extent to which it has a policy or practice of providing such service on the site of other public schools.