IOCI Seminar Outcomes Report – that will be delivered to Minister Input into the Wednesday workshop
Aims Seminar Aim Foster informed adaptation to climate variability and change across all sectors (terrestrial and marine) of the south west Workshop aim is to review adaptation issues, and established and emergent (sector) support activities for climate adaptation in South West Western Australia. Marine and climate change are relevant – there are science issues and institutional issues (WAMSI/IOCI – integration of strategic and tactical programs are the way for the future?)
Seminar Inputs Speakers overheads Rapporteurs reports Butcher paper responses Plenary session for feed back on the seminars
Workshop Purpose Set scene for future IOCI science program Better use of IOCI and other research Input into GH 5.5 Workshop will be organised with sector break out groups to address key climate change and climate variability questions
Session 2 Session 2 (basic science session) How/why has our climate has changed How our region’s ocean climate has changed Where is our SWWA climate headed? The Changing Ocean: Implication for the future These talks gave an over view of our state of knowledge of observed change and its causes and projections of future climate risk
Session 3 Wally Cox National resource management sectors in WA have identified climate as a mandatory issue. We have a moral obligation to reduce GHG emissions. There are threats to systems, particularly ecosystems, from factors other than climate change. Climate change will exacerbate these problems. Q: How many ‘museums’ of our current ecosystems can we afford – to protect at least some species. Q: How much adaptation can we afford
Session 3 Elayne Grace When does insurance stop and when does Government start? Climate adaptation creates business opportunities (Workshop –what opportunities)
Session 3 Brian Sadler Need to develop thinking under conditions of variability rather than certainty and constancy. Change is painful. Laws and regulations may need to be changed (e.g. from following – a cost on bore licenses)
Session 4 All recognised climate change need to be addressed and is here now Need for comprehensive risk assessment involving climate Project based action only for climate change Challenge – climate research for integration into management plans (Workshop message) Need to understand the implications of adaptations and community acceptance (also addressed by Geoff Syme)
Session 5 Seasonal, Decadal, Long Term and Extremes –Sectors will develop sector relevant base lines and time scales (workshop issue) – Seasonal prediction needs to account for the decadal and the climate change signals –Need to look at both statistical and physical significance –Extremes both temporally and spatially variable
Session 6 Ed Hauck The growing demand for water has posed significant challenges Regulation and management components of the water sector have been particularly challenged Tools developed and applied to decision making Programs for demand and supply management Integrated planning will benefit from ‘well referenced baselines’ and used to identify climate scenarios The SWWA climate experience has challenged governance and institutional arrangements in water sector
Session 6 Roger Jones New methodologies for climate change adaptation –Natural hazard based –Vulnerability/resilience based –Policy based –Mitigation based Four Stages of adaptation –Autonomous –Generic –Specific –Transformative Workshop – issue of best methodology for a sector
Session 6 Geoff Syme How we behave limits our potential to respond? Time scale of the threat affect the human response How can we co-cordinate adaptive learning to climate change? (workshop issue)