Studying in Guelph for your 3 rd year
University of Guelph
University of Guelph – where it is? 1 hour drive to Toronto 30 minutes to Kitchener and Waterloo c. 1.5 hours to Niagara Falls consistently rated as Canada’s safest city in the top 10 places to live in Canada top 5 most sustainable cities
University of Guelph
University of Guelph – some info -1,017 acres (412 hectares), with a 408 ‑ acre (165 ‑ hectare) arboretum -approximately students -5 hour time difference (behind) Semester Dates: ‘Fall’ – September to mid December ‘Winter’ – January to mid April
University of Guelph – some info -7 floor library with computers, study space and research resources -14 Residences that house people – less than 10 minutes to opposite side of campus (phones and internet included) -ranked best in Canada for campus food! -many clubs (most/all clubs are free, some sports clubs have fees) and intermurals (free)
University of Guelph – websites for more info – general info – residence - campus map – textbooks, housing – travel and Ontario info
University of Guelph – videos Campus (under 3 min): Library (3 min): Some campus buildings (2 min):
The exchange – General information You can study in Guelph for one semesters in your 3 rd year Modules taken in Guelph have full credit bearing here in Stirling (provided they are relevant to your course and you take the appropriate number of modules!) Experience a new academic environment and life in another country
Practicalities No fees for attendance of university/classes You need to pay for your travels and medical insurance It is your responsibility to obtain a visa for the period you’ll be in Canada Stirling exchange students are normally offered accommodation in halls of residence
Guelph Biology and Environmental Science Departments have a good international reputation You may find classes challenging due to different backgrounds to “home” students during 1 st and 2 nd year teaching Expect to have to work a little extra!
Information General information on Guelph exchange is found on the BES website: Contains links to Guelph website for international students (including information on medical insurance required, for example) Also links to Guelph module selection website Make sure you check when classes are taught There are Fall, Winter or Summer terms – you can only attend “Fall” and “Winter” classes! A normal study load in Guelph is 4 modules, so you will need to select 4 full-credit classes per semester
Timeline 30 th NovemberDeadline for internal application form 7-9 th DecemberInterviews April 2016Official Guelph application form deadline June 2016Guelph acceptance letters and ‘Welcome Packs’ sent (Fall semester) September 2016‘Fall’ semester begins October 2016Guelph acceptance letters and ‘Welcome Packs’ sent (Winter semester) January 2017‘Winter’ semester begins