1.Wages & fringe benefits 2.Working conditions 3.Job security 4.Union security 5.Grievance procedures
Wages and Fringe Benefits COLA – cost of living Fringe: nonwage payments, paid sick days, vacation days, health insurance
Fringe benefits: ESOPs – employee stock ownership plans
Job Security Seniority: privileges based on number of years you have worked in the firm Job security based on seniority
Union Security Workers have the right to organize or join a union National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) – 30% of employees
1.Collective Bargaining 2.Mediation 3.Arbitration
Union members speak for all members Union and management representatives meet to discuss their goals and offer solutions and compromises
Labor and management cannot come to agreement Third party = mediator Private citizens or Gov
Assistance of a negotiator Arbitrator’s decision is legally binding
Informs public that a strike is in progress Arouse public support Discourage nonstrikers from entering the plant
Primary Boycott: organized effort to stop purchases of a firm’s products Secondary Boycott: refusal to buy the goods or services of any firm that does business with the striking company
Picketing and boycotts
1.Replacement workers 2.Lockout 3.Injunctions: court order to prohibit the dispatchers from striking