OEHS Service Feedback Survey Purpose of Contact (select one): Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Injury/Illness11.8%4 Complaint5.9%2 Hazard5.9%2 Emergency0.0%0 Training17.6%6 Documentation or Information11.8%4 Technical Assistance or Advice17.6%6 Other29.4%10 If Other, Please Specify or Make Additional Comments9 answered question34 skipped question0
Please rate the following aspects of our work. Answer OptionsExcellentGoodAdequatePoorUnacceptableN/ARating AverageResponse Count Communicated clearly and effectively Worked with you and your team Responded promptly to problems Met defined objectives OEHS Website Ease of Use Comments? 5 answered question34 skipped question0 OEHS Service Feedback Survey
Overall, how do you rate the quality of services we provide? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Excellent 79.4%27 Good 17.6%6 Adequate 0.0%0 Poor 2.9%1 Comments? 2 answered question34 skipped question0
What level of confidence do you have in us to deliver services that you require? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Complete 70.6%24 A lot 23.5%8 Some 2.9%1 Little 2.9%1 None 0.0%0 Comments? 3 answered question34 skipped question0 OEHS Service Feedback Survey