Positives Commander Great and Honorable By him Lord had given victory Mighty Man of Valor Negatives Leper Naaman
The young girl A captive from raid on Israel Servant to Naaman’s wife Volunteered information Spoke with confidence Naaman
Naaman The King of Syria Letter to king of Israel (not Prophet) Money taken to “pay” for healing
Naaman The King of Israel Did not think of Prophet Feared for himself Lacked intelligence or confidence of young girl
Naaman The Prophet Elisha Wonders why King upset Send to Elisha He shall know The Message—Dip seven times
Naaman Naaman Furious Why?—Behold I thought (KJV) Predetermined the manner in which God would act (through the prophet) Assumed that the power was in the water Went away in a rage
Naaman Similarities today Abortion Alcohol Homosexuality (Marriages) Adulterous marriages from divorce The church that Jesus built Care of orphans and widows etc. Baptism
Naaman The solution Humility—Recognizing that God IS God and His word IS His word Obedience no matter what you think When did the leprosy leave Naaman? Naaman now knows God Naaman learned that the gift was free
Naaman Application Leprosy equates to sin Even a servant girl can reveal the cure The cure is in the message not the elements Humility—act according to message not own thoughts Cure is free gift