Leveraging Technology The Quitline operates as a learning laboratory: testing new ideas, publishing results and attempting to guide the industry toward best practices Prepared for the NAQC webinar, New Technologies: Texting, Chatting and Video Counseling, Oh My! Vance Rabius, PhD September 9, 2009
Quitlines Land line phone to cell phones* % of households are cell phone only 35% of households are land line only 55% use both % of households are cell phone only 17% of households are land line only 60% use both *National Health Interview Survey
Quitlines Cell phone only household demographics* 60% of all adults who share a house or apartment with roommates 40% of all renters Over 33% of all people aged % of all Hispanics Text messaging *National Health Interview Survey
Internet Internet-based assistance randomized trial* with over 6400 participants comparing the effectiveness of 6 internet-based interventions Video counseling Skype *Rabius, V, Pike, KJ. Wiatrek, D, & McAlister, AL. (2008). Comparing Internet Assistance for Smoking Cessation: 13-Month Follow-Up of a Six-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 10(5): e45.
Combining Quitline & Internet Current Clinical Trial Will tailored s help support telephone counseling? Research collaboration between Quitline and Dr. Lorien Abroms, Professor at George Washington University School of Public Health and the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services
Contact information: Vance Rabius, PhD Senior Scientist American Cancer Society National Cancer Information Center Stonehollow Drive Austin, TX phone fax -