“Little House on the Prairie” activity materials created by Jessie Moreau, Gwinnett County Schools, 2007
Print 7 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, and glue to the backs of each picture card, then laminate each card to use for game playing, e.g., “Concentration”, “Jeopardy” activities.
Pa Laura Ingalls Wilder Mary Ma Laura Carrie Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.
Wisconsin Oklahoma Ingalls’ family Jack Mr. Edwards house Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.
Indian country wagon icy lake logs Mr. Scott Mrs. Scott Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.
well chimney cornbread beads panther prairie Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.
creek fur town rockswolf Indian Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.
violin cowboys plow woodsmosquito fox Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.
Indian drum garden cow deer Government bunny Print 2 copies of this slide/page on cardstock, cut out, then laminate to use for game playing, vocabulary development, sequencing, and/or matching activities.