Nouns and Verbs What do they do?
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Ohio Standards: Common Core State Standards Language Arts: Grade 1 Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. Language: Conventions of Standard English L.1.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Ohio Common Core Standards
Home Page Here are the buttons you will see while you are learning: Arrow: this takes you to the next slide Home Button: this button takes you back to this page to choose another section Click on a link to learn about that section: Nouns Verbs Final Review
Nouns Nouns are objects. They can be a person - like your teacher. They can be a place – like a restaurant They can be things – like a piggy bank A teacher is a person. A piggy bank is a thing. Nouns Chick-fil-a is a place.
Nouns are what the sentence is about. The cat drank milk. Cat is the noun. cat is a thing
Choose the picture above of the noun that is a person. Quiz #1
Go back and review nouns. Try Again!
Correct! Great job! This picture of the cute little boy is a noun. This noun is a person.
Quiz #2 Read this sentence then click the box with the word that is the noun. The dog barked loudly. dog barked loudly
Oops!! Try Again. Hint: a noun is a person, place or thing.
You remembered that a noun is a person, place or thing. Awesome ! The dog is a thing. A thing is a noun.
Great work so far!! Click the home button to go back and pick the verbs section.
VERBS!! running flying singing hitting hopping Click on each verb to hear a sound…
Verbs, Verbs, Verbs Verbs are actions. Verbs are the actions of a noun. Verbs show movement, it’s what is happening! Verbs tell what the noun is doing. The bunny hops. Hops is the verb. Hops is an action. hops is a verb
Click on the picture that shows a verb. Quiz #3
Oops! Hint: a verb shows action. Is there something showing movement? Let’s review some more
A verb shows action. You chose the action “kicking”. Kicking is a verb. Yeah!!
Quiz #4 Read this sentence then click the box with the word that is the verb. A mouse eats cheese. mouse cheeseeats
Uh oh! Hang in there! Let’s try it again!
You are right. The mouse eats the cheese. Eats is the action of the mouse. The word eats is the verb!
Nice job so far!! Click the home button to go back and pick the final review section.
Final Review A noun names a person, place or thing. A verb is the action of the noun. Are you ready? Let’s hop to it. (Hop is a verb!) George Washington St. Louis, Missouri monkey banana swimmingcheering dancing
Final Review Quiz #1 Read this sentence then click the box with the word that is the noun. The monkeys throw bananas at me! throw memonkeys
Fist Bump!!
Go back and try again… Uh oh!!
Final Review Quiz #2 Read this sentence then click the box with the word that is the verb. Elephants spray water. Elephants spraywater
Try one more time… You can do it!
You are soaring high! Great job
Amazing Work! I am proud of you!! You have worked hard and learned a lot. Go get a piece of candy from our treasure box. Press “esc” to leave this presentation.