T Iteration Demo Apollo Crew PP Iteration
T Iteration demo 2 Agenda Project status (10-15 min) achieving the goals of the iterationachieving the goals of the iteration project metricsproject metrics Work results (20-25 min) project planproject plan requirementsrequirements architectural planarchitectural plan UI conceptsUI concepts Used work practices (5 min)
T Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project Source: Dipoli entrance hall
T Iteration demo 4 Introduction to the project Client: Design Factory Project: Information & reservation system Welcome visitorsWelcome visitors Guide and assist visitorsGuide and assist visitors Manage eventsManage events Workspace reservation systemWorkspace reservation system System will work in Design Factory’s entrance hall and via web. Project also includes testing some new devices such as touch screen.
T Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s goals Project planning on high level, PARTLY OK - still needs some work (especially QA plan) Contact all relevant stakeholders, OK Understanding the domain and what customer really needs, OK Document requirements on high level and specify most important features and use cases, OK Make needed infrastructure available, IN PROGRESS - because of delays Getting ready for implementation, PARTLY OK Identify group's skills, interests and motivation, OK Create supportive and inspiring atmosphere, OK
T Iteration demo 6 Status of the iteration’s deliverables Project plan OK, QA plan will be delivered in the beginning of I1OK, QA plan will be delivered in the beginning of I1 Requirements document OK, Requirements are on a general levelOK, Requirements are on a general level Internal deliverables Preliminary architectural plan: structure and modules, IN PROGRESSPreliminary architectural plan: structure and modules, IN PROGRESS System skeleton, APIs and minimal working system, IN PROGRESSSystem skeleton, APIs and minimal working system, IN PROGRESS Preliminary UI concept, OKPreliminary UI concept, OK Instructions and guidelines for development, OKInstructions and guidelines for development, OK Assignments for learning development tools and methods, OKAssignments for learning development tools and methods, OK Most critical UC descriptions and diagrams, OKMost critical UC descriptions and diagrams, OK
T Iteration demo 7 Realization of the tasks
T Iteration demo 8 Resource usage (1/2) Planned hours Realized hours ( )
T Iteration demo 9 Resource usage (2/2)
T Iteration demo 10 Changes to the project No major changes have been made
T Iteration demo 11 Risks (1/2): TOP 5
T Iteration demo 12 Risks (2/2) Materialized risks Delay of virtual servers have really impacted progress, impacts:Delay of virtual servers have really impacted progress, impacts: Time tracking Installation of development environment QA environment Might have some implications in the beginning of I1
T Iteration demo 13 Results of the iteration Project plan Requirements Architectural plan UI concepts
T Iteration demo 14 Project plan Organization and other resources Schedule Goals Customer’sCustomer’s Group’sGroup’s Project plan still need to be approved by the customer
T Iteration demo 15 Project plan: project organization
T Iteration demo 16 Other resources Need Graphical designer / ADGraphical designer / AD Usability designerUsability designer Possible sources TAIKTAIK Lahden Design FoundationLahden Design Foundation Design Factory’s own personnelDesign Factory’s own personnel
T Iteration demo 17 Project plan: schedule
T Iteration demo 18 Project plan: customer’s goals
T Iteration demo 19 Project plan: group’s goals
T Iteration demo 20 Requirements (1/2) Four main domains BackendBackend Guide systemGuide system Screen control systemScreen control system Event management system (workspace reservation system)Event management system (workspace reservation system) 9 UC descriptions 8 non-functional requirements 1 constraint Requirements still needs to be approved by the customer
T Iteration demo 21 Requirements (2/2): Preliminary data model
T Iteration demo 22 Architectural plan: system environment
T Iteration demo 23 UI concepts Touch screen UI Big screen UI Web UI Html-demo:
T Iteration demo 24 Used work practices Keep Joint meetings on WednesdaysJoint meetings on Wednesdays Team spiritTeam spirit Active communication by Active communication by Workspace at Design FactoryWorkspace at Design Factory Problems Time trackingTime tracking Other tasks take time from this projectOther tasks take time from this project Wiki isn’t good in following project’s developmentWiki isn’t good in following project’s development Forum is missing and IRC doesn’t work that well in communicationForum is missing and IRC doesn’t work that well in communication Try Members reserve certain time slot only for this projectMembers reserve certain time slot only for this project More defined agendas and memos for Wednesdays meetingsMore defined agendas and memos for Wednesdays meetings Shorter meetings via IRC that everyone doesn’t have to come to OtaniemiShorter meetings via IRC that everyone doesn’t have to come to Otaniemi
T Iteration demo 25 Questions and comments? Thank you!