* Transcendental Functions * Techniques of Integration :- * Infinite Sequences and series :- {Tests of convergence and divergence, Power series, Taylor series, Binomial series} * Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates Course Description Method Of Teaching Lectures, discussions, and exams.
Evaluation and Grading
Sections to be covered الأسبوع Sections to be covered الأسبوع 10.3,10.4 التاسع 9/4-13/4 7.1 الأول 12/2-16/2 10.5,10.6 العاشر 16/4-20/4 7.2, 7.3 الثاني 19/2-23/2 10.7,10.8 الحادي عشر 23/4-27/4 7.5,7.6 الثالث 26/2-2/ ,11.1 Second Exam الثاني عشر 30/4-4/5 7.7,7.8 الرابع 5/3-9/3 11.2,11.3 الثالث عشر 7/5-11/5 8.1, 8.2 الخامس 12/3-16/3 11.4, 11.5 الرابع عشر 14/5-18/5 8.3,8.4 السادس 19/3-23/3 11.6,11.7 الخامس عشر 21/5-25/5 8.5, 8.7 First Exam السابع 26/3-30/3 General Review Final Exam السادس عشر 28/5-9/6 10.1,10.2 الثامن 2/4-6/4
* Learning calculus is not the same as learning other subjects. * You will not be able to learn everything you need in class. * You will have to learn a fair amount by yourself. * The best way to lean calculus is to practice it. * Because of this we ask you do solve a number of problems listed in the following table. * We will be very happy to answer your questions about the homework problems during the office hours. Homework