They have black feathers. They have yellow beaks. Mostly they have black feathers. They also have sharp talons.
My animal lives in a nest at 40 degrees north in North America. They also live in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Washington, And, Oregon.Also they live by lakes.
Eagles eat mainly on fish. They also eat, ducks, birds, turtles, mice, snakes, and dead animals.They use their SHARP claws to kill them.It is HARD!
Bald Eagle relatives are Nova Scotia Eagle, Hawk, and Golden Eagle.
We are the Bald Eagle’s enemy!We need to STOP using DDT. Eagles are the U.s.’s Bird!We love them!
Bald Eagle were chosen as the United States Symbol in 1782 because they were strong, courageo- us, and long living.The Bald Eagle lives all over the world.
Hi my name is Clyde I love Bald eagles. I am 8 years old. I have an AWSOME Teacher Mrs. Rech!!! Have a great day!!!!