State of Michigan Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Updated: 10/29/2015
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 12/14/ How to Take this Training In order to access the hyperlinks and view all of the content on each slide in this Power Point, you MUST view it in Slide Show mode. If Power Point opens from within Power Point (in Edit mode), please follow these steps to play the slide show: On the bottom status bar, click the Slide Show icon. If you cannot see the bottom status bar, click Slide Show on the top menu, and then click From Current Slide or From Beginning. The easiest way to view this training in Slide Show mode is to press the F5 function key on your keyboard.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 3 LMS Trainings 3 The LMS Trainings are designed to provide you direction to navigate the LMS. It is recommended that everyone view the first 3 presentations in this order: The LMS Welcome Page, LMS Browsing for Training and LMS Viewing Your Transcript. Managers and Training Coordinators should also view their respective presentations. 12/14/2015
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators LMS for Training Coordinators Topics 12/14/2015 Registering Others for TrainingViewing Events and SessionsViewing Reports and Transcripts 4
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 5 Training Coordinators LMS Introduction Training Coordinators have the same access as other users of LMS; they can view their training transcripts and browse, complete, and evaluate trainings. Training Coordinators can also view and perform LMS functions for local office staff, including viewing and assigning trainings, viewing reports to track staff training progress and viewing staff training transcripts. 12/14/2015
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Admin – Proxy Enrollment 12/14/ When registering staff, from any page, hover the cursor over the Admin tab and click Proxy Enrollment from the drop-down menu.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 7 In LMS there are periodic progress bars across the top of the process you are completing. The progress bar displayed is for the “Create New Proxy Enrollment” process. We will start this process on the next slide. Proxy Enrollment Progress Bar Enrollment Options is enabled indicating where the user is in the process. The process is not complete until you reach Confirm and Submit your work.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Proxy Enrollment 12/14/ To start the training enrollment process click Create Proxy Enrollment. Search for the class to enroll staff in by entering your search criteria and clicking Search.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Proxy Enrollment Search Results 12/14/ Click the Learning Object (LO) name to view details of the training and future sessions available. To the left of the LO, click to proxy enroll the user(s) into an Event of this LO (with no date, time or location). This allows the user to pick their own date, time and location. Click the to proxy enroll the user into a Session of this LO (with a date, time and location). The next slide starts the proxy enrollment process after clicking the to enroll user(s) into a scheduled session.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Session Enrollment 12/14/ Clicking the opens available sessions with dates, locations and available seats information. To choose a session, click the to the left of the session number. The selected session details now appear below your search criteria. Click Next to advance to Enrollment Options.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Proxy Enrollment Options 12/14/ Complete the Enrollment Options form shown here. Most often, you will want to maintain the default setting. Under Status, click the radio button to have user(s) immediately approved and registered in the session. Click Next to advance to Availability.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 12 Location Warning Edit Notice the red edit message under Enrollment Options. If you are a training coordinator responsible for multiple county offices, you must select the county location of the users you want to enroll. To set your search criteria location, click Location from the drop-down menu and click to open the location options.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 13 Setting Proxy Enrollment Location The county office you are responsible for enrolling will appear under Hierarchy. Click the for the location or locations you would like to enroll. The added the county to Selected Location. Once you have the county or counties under Selected Location. Click Done to go back to the Proxy Enrollment Availability Select Criteria screen.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Select Training Pop-up 12/14/ Anytime you select a search criteria the will give additional choices for the criteria selected. To proxy enroll specific users, select Users from the drop-down and click.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Selecting Users 12/14/ After clicking with user selected in the Search Criteria (previous slide), a list of users opens. Click the next to the user or users’ name you want to enroll. For this example, the training coordinator selected user testda, jim to enroll. The user’s name appears under Selected User. Click Done at the bottom of the list of names (not displayed). The selected user’s name populates under Availability. Select Next to advance to s.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Proxy Configuration 12/14/ Select the Proxy Configuration that best fits your needs. The majority of the time the default settings are used. For additional information on Proxy Configuration click the icon on the right corner of the LMS screen to watch a video. Review your Proxy Configuration settings, then click Next to advance to Confirm.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Proxy Enrollment Confirmation 12/14/ Review the Training Details and Availability. Scheduling conflicts will appear if present. Select/Deselect those you wish to register. Click Submit to complete the proxy enrollment.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Training Progress Summary 12/14/ Displayed is the result of the registration just completed. Click on the Training Progress Summary icon.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 19 The user we proxy enrolled has a status of Registered. Note: it may take a moment for the "Registered" status to appear.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 20 Additional Proxy Enrollment Information If you remember from the LMS Welcome Page Training, anytime you would like help on a topic click the icon on the top right of the screen you are viewing. When step- by-step videos are provided, the icon will also appear.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 21 User Session Select This is a display of what a user’s transcript would look like if the training coordinator did not choose the date, time and location of the training session for the user. Notice the user has a Select Session button. The user will need to go into their transcript and choose the session, date, time and location of the training for which the training coordinator enrolled them.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Instructor Led Training (ILT) Manage Event & Sessions 12/14/ From any page, hover the cursor over the ILT tab and click Manage Events & Sessions from the drop-down menu. The next tab, ILT, is specific to Training Coordinators. Training Coordinators may Manage Events & Sessions and View Your Sessions from the ILT tab.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 23 Manage Events and Sessions First the training coordinator needs to locate the Instructor Led Training (ILT) they would like to add or remove a user(s) from. To narrow the ILT choices, use a key word or partial title of the ILT you are searching for, then click the Search button. In this example, “cps” has been entered.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 24 Click the Session icon for the ILT you wish to add or remove a user(s). Session Icon
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 25 Viewing ILT Roster Click the View Roster icon for the session you wish to add or remove users. The View Roster icon will display the Proxy Enrollment page already discussed in this training.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Session Roster 12/14/ After clicking the Session Roster icon, those currently enrolled in the session will appear. To remove users already enrolled, click the trash can icon to the right of their name. To enroll new users, click Add Users.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Enrolling New Users in a Session 12/14/ Search for the new users you wish to enroll by inserting known criteria and clicking Search. Select the users you which to enroll by clicking the icon next to their name. Then, click Done on the bottom of the screen. (not shown)
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 28 From any page, hover the cursor over the Reports tab and click Standard Reports from the drop- down menu. Reports – Standard Reports There are numerous reports accessed through the reports tab. Training Coordinators will use reports in the LMS to track enrollee information.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 29 Report Categories There are three main report categories that will provide additional report choices. There are numerous reports that cannot be covered in this training. Please remember to utilize the LMS Help Feature.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 30 ILT Reports These are the reports available for Instructor-Led Training.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators 31 Training Reports Other Training Reports that are available are displayed here.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Additional Trainings 12/14/ Thank you for completing The LMS for Training Coordinators Training. Hopefully this training will help you utilize LMS to continue your training and the local office staff training at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The Welcome Page: LMS definitions and accessing Page Features, Global Search and Help. Browse for Training: Access filtering your learning objects, viewing training details and registering for a Learning Object via Browse for Training and the Events Calendar. View Your Transcript: View your active, completed and archived Learning Objects. View session details and launch online courses for which you are registered. The Manager’s LMS: Features available to mangers including: assigning training, viewing staff members’ transcripts and progress and viewing training Reports. The Training Coordinator’s LMS: Features available to training coordinators include registering and withdrawing users and viewing reports and session details.
Learning Management System (LMS) for Training Coordinators Thank-you … for completing this training! Please click the OWDT logo below to access and complete the course evaluation. 33