Systems Development Life Cycle: Mean Motocross Machines By: Cortney Robertson Paul Garcia
Planning Phase
Project Plan Mean Motocross Machine Plan: Mean Motocross Machine’s website will be a place where people can browse our inventory from parts to personalized bikes. They will be able to contact us if they are interested in selling us their bikes. And finally we will have a blog that allows our customers to voice their opinions on our company and what products they would like to see. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Project Plan Critical Success Factors: – An easy way to make quick and effective purchases using our website. – Also a way to create custom bikes that are unique to each customer. – We will have a data-driven website to make placing orders easier. System Requirements: – Log In feature for online purchases, easy to use program to customize bikes, links to our for bike sales, easy navigation through the website, online payment access. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Project Timeline/Milestones December 1, Completed project plan and business requirements. December 4, Sent off completed database model for programming. December 15, Completed first prototype. December 29, Completed website and database and began testing. January 13, Received final database from programmers. February 8, Testing completed on website February 12, Final product approved and ready for launch. February 17, User documentation due. March 1, Launch of website/database to the public. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Feasibility Cost-Benefit Analysis- We will use cost-benefit analysis to determine the financial benefits and the costs of all the products we offer to determine which products should be kept. Schedule Feasibility- We will use schedule feasibility to assure that all of the customized bikes are being completed within the allotted time frame. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Analyzing Phase
Business Requirements Our website will: – Be easy to navigation through-out the website. – Allow customer feedback – Allow online purchases/payments – Give customers the ability to customize bikes – Give customers the ability to view products in cart before purchasing. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Process Diagram We choose to diagram the log in process and the purchase process. Our company is mostly online orders so it is important that the order process is working properly. The security of our customers information is important to us so the fact that they can have their own account allows a secure way to make transaction on our website. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Purchase Process Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Purchase Process To make purchases on our website our customer’s must first log in to our website using the log in button. They will then be prompted to input their username and password. It will then be verified. If they are a new user they will need to confirm their username and password. If they are an existing user it will either be rejected, in which case they will need to re-input their username and password, or confirmed and they can then browse the catalog and select the products they wish to order. After they have selected what they want they will get an order preview to confirm what they are ordering. Then they will then be asked for their payment information. It will then need to be confirmed and the order will be processed. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Customer Log In Process Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Customer Log In Process As our customers enter our website they will be brought to our home page. From there they will see several different buttons, one of them being the sign in button. They then will be asked to log in or sign up for an account. If they already have an account they then will be asked to enter their username and password, if not they will be asked to enter and confirm their information. From these two points customers will be able to view all of our products from the catalog. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Buy vs. Build Analysis We chose to buy our website from our friend’s company. This option suited our company best because it will look more professional and allows us to make modifications whenever it is needed. It also benefits our friend’s company so everyone is happy. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Design Phase
Website Model Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Company Name Home Catalog Blog Account Create Sign In Cart Contact Us Photo of Company Members Body
Customer’s Orders and Purchases Customer Customer Order OrderPurchase Destination Purchase History Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Website Navigation Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Development Phase
Website Prototype Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Website Prototype Our main concern with the website was convenience for our customers. We chose a simple layout to prevent confusion in the hopes of creating more sales. The simplicity of our website creates a user friendly atmosphere for all ages of customers. It also makes it easy for us to make modifications if needed. We also wanted a catchy banner in hopes of luring more customers to our page. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Test Phase
Testing Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Screen TestedHome Page Date TestedDecember 29 th, 2012 TesterCortney Robertson, Paul Garcia Test ConditionExpected ResultsActual Results(Circle One) Sign inSigned In to the website successfully with all correct information Was able to sign in successfully Pass Fail Shopping CartAble to add products to own personal cart Products did not show up in cart Pass Fail CreateAble to fully customize bikes without glitches Program kept freezing when changes were made to bike Pass Fail Check OutAble to pay for product and have order processed correctly Order was processed and product was paid for Pass Fail
Implementing Phase
Implementation We implemented the plunge method because we did not have a website beforehand, so the plunge method made the most sense. Our employees will be trained by us based on the department they will be working in. We chose this way of training because you can learn more about one subject than you can about a whole bunch of subjects. These employees will eventually be training our future employees. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Implementation User Documentation – Existing users will have an online account with all of their information (billing/shipping address). If the user wishes to purchase a product they will just need to verify that all the information is correct. – If the user has never purchased before they will need to create an account and enter their information, and it will then be saved on their account for future use. – We accept all major credit cards as a payment method along with PayPal. – We offer three types of shipping methods. Standard Express Day After – After an order as been placed you will receive a confirmation . Along with an when your order has been shipped. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Maintenance Phase
Maintenance Early stages of Company – During first quarter of operation daily scans will be ran to check for any problems with our website. – Once a week we will do tests on each page of our website. – Check daily for complaints by customers Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain
Maintenance Later Stages of Company – To ensure our website is up and running with no problems we will run a monthly scan over all parts of our website. This will make sure that our databases are up-to-date. – Besides our weekly scans we will be updating our systems on a quarterly basis. Along with changing any complaints made by our customers. – Check annually for products that are no selling very well. – For preventive maintenance we will have a antivirus/antispyware software installed throughout our system. It will be checked on a monthly basis. Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain