ACMH Website ACMH STAFF RETREAT April 15, 2015 ACMH Education Coordinator: Terri Henrizi
Training Objectives General Feedback, Comments, Suggestions…. Basic Operations Overview- how to register, etc.. Interactive Features Overview Google Apps for Non-profits Overview- Gmail, Google Calendar etc.. Other New Electronic Communication Resources Site Exploration
Website Feedback General thoughts after exploring the site? Suggestions Questions? We are counting on you to do outreach to families, community partners!
Basic Operations Go to Register for the site in order to interact with all features 1. Scroll to bottom of page and click log in 2. If you are not a member yet click register/ enter log in info if you are 3. When you click register it will prompt you to create a username, enter your address and complete a math problem. 4. Once you click submit they will you a temporary password
Registered Users Can comment on posts, Ask the Expert questions etc.. Are entered into our user database Receive mailchimp and other targeted correspondence Have immediate access to online chats, etc.. You do not have to be a registered user to use the interactive features on the site.
Registered Users For those of you who were not registered users I had to make you a registered user in order to add you to the staff portal. Your user names are currently your first name Your passwords are your last name and todays date For example henrizi041515
Interactive Features Surveys Ask the Expert Family Stories Online Chats/Support Groups Grafitti Wall – Youth Page Staff Portal
Surveys On both the main and youth page We will ask ?’s and visitors can respond and view the responses of others. We can view and use this info in a variety of ways to improve our service to families & youth and inform others about the issues they face
Ask the Expert Visitors can ask a question And/or post a comment or suggestion in response to questions posted by others expert/ expert/
Share Your Story Families can share their story, view stories submitted by others, and learn about the benefits of sharing your story and how to share your experience in a safe and successful way. family-stories/ family-stories/
Online Discussions Will begin in mid May Will be using for online discussions
Join Me Instant, intuitive and requires no downloads or account sign ups for meetings. Send interested people the code and they enter it into the big orange button to join with immediate access 4 Easy Steps: 1. Start a meeting 2. Invite Others by giving them code to enter at 3. Connect Audio click phone icon and choose conference number (pro version) or call by internet 4. Pro version also has presenter swap, recording, etc..
ACMH Staff Portal Private Page Staff Only ACMH Documents ACMH Forms ACMH Training Modules Possible Future Uses
Grafitti Wall Located on youth page only Youth can upload poetry, art, pictures, quotes, etc.. We still need our first piece to get it started Youth can record video and audio right on the application and it is immediately uploaded once we approve the content. ** We do require more information including contact info so we can follow up on any posts we need to. We are using a customized version of Boast
Google Apps G-mail Google Calendar Google Docs YouTube for non-profits Google Analytics Additional things we are not Google +, Google Hangouts,
G-mail You all now have an G-mail address Direction Sheets Please use your direction sheet to sign into g-mail which will enable you to start using any of the google apps Your ACMH is the first intitial and then your last name followed For example
Google Calendar
Let’s Explore Some More