SCC October 22, 2015
Sign in Sheet & Welcome Please specify if you have been to the SCC training Last session is October 28 8 pm Approval of last months minutes
Using the Trust Video
Digital Citizenship Jim Wilson
LandTrust Final Report Goal 1 – Math Before & After Measurements CFA #1: 3 students out of 1218 = 0.25% CFA #2: 349 students out of 1219 = 28.6% CFA #3: 718 students out of 1206 = 60% How was the Action Plan Implemented Additional math classes to lower class size Math teachers re-taught and re-tested students who did not reach mastery. Teachers provided between 8-10 sessions per term.
LandTrust Final Report Goal 1 – Writing Before & After Measurements For two of the three terms, ELA teachers did a common writing assignment using Utah Compose and scored the number of students at or above mastery level. Common writing #1 given at the end of trimester 1: results 1218 students out of 1465 (83.1%) scored at or above 80% mastery. Common writing #2 given at the end of trimester 2: results 1205 students out of 1455 (82.8%) scored at or above 80% mastery. How was the Action Plan Implemented Additional staff was hired for 7th & 8th grade ELA to provide feedback on writing assignments. Substitutes were provided so that 6th grade ELA could correct and give feedback on the common writing assessments.
LandTrust 1415 Final Budget Goal 1: Math$67,507 Goal 2: Writing$19,582 Computer Equipment$46,459
LandTrust 1516 Goal 1: Science DPMS will use the SAGE Scores to determine if we have made progress to the goal of 70% of our students proficient in science. Our baseline is 62%. Action Plan DPMS will purchase computer labs for all 9-science teachers
LandTrust 1516 Projected Budget Computer Equipment$89,488 Actual Budget FY16 allocation$105,281 FY15 carryover - $43,814 Remaining budget$ 61,467
Increased Distribution The distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan? Software for instructional purposes in Science, Reading, Math and Social Studies. As well as professional development that would help teachers be more effective with using technology in the classroom and meeting the learning goals of the core curriculum.
Honors Program Currently – Receive input from a variety of stakeholders Counselors, Math & ELA Teachers, SCC
Honors Program Questions asked by SCC What is the goal of the honors program? Is it rigorous? Students in an Honors classroom require learning experiences beyond what is typically provided in the regular classroom. In the Honors math programs, pacing of the curriculum is adapted to include advanced supplemental material. In all Honors classes, the curriculum is supplemented to meet the needs of advanced learners with an emphasis on depth and complexity of core concepts.
Honors Program Questions asked by SCC How much independence do we have from the district in honors curriculum? The core must be taught and there are recommendations for the supplemental and extension activities in order to provide guidance to teachers about what students need. The maps have extensions written into them to provide this help for teachers. Can the Honors English program read different books? Yes, they can read different books, more books, etc. As long as the books are in the approved lists, teachers can customize their reading lists.
Honors Program Questions asked by SCC Do we have a clear pathway for transfer students into honors program? This is still in the planning stages Request honors on the course request cards Three data points District math CFA #3 MCOMP MCAP Total scores will be examined and approximately the top 96 scores will be placed in honors (32 students per class, 96 per grade level) A letter mailed home on or around July 20 th An additional 12 slots will be reserved for late transfers/home base students up until a date to be determined. Transfer students will be scored using the 3 data points above
Locker Situation Currently We have 80 students without lockers New students are added to the bottom of the waiting list Assign WD lockers weekly Announcements for those not using their lockers Time Frame Dec 18Frame Locker Bases Dec 21Set Lockers Dec 24Install Maple Tops Dec 31Final Inspection
Traffic Patterns Are we prepared for increase in traffic flow for the winter?
Other Business ???
Next Meeting November 19 th