Having It All Enriching the Lives of Parents of Special Needs Individuals
Dedication The inspiration for this presentation has come from the many parents of special needs individuals that I have had the pleasure of meeting throughout my 28 years as a speech pathologist and from being a mother to Blake, my child with autism. The inspiration for this presentation has come from the many parents of special needs individuals that I have had the pleasure of meeting throughout my 28 years as a speech pathologist and from being a mother to Blake, my child with autism.
We Are Different Welcome to the Club
How the Heck Did We Get Here?
Depending on the disability, the journey begins at different times
Is This My Life?
Sometimes, the stress takes it’s toll….
What About Me I love my child(ren) with special needs, but….
But is It Possible ? YES
Val’s Journey-How It Began
Perfect Life? Heavens, No!!!
But I am fulfilled
How Did I Get Here
The Method to My Madness O rganizing O rganizing C entralizing C entralizing D elegating D elegating
O rganizing Making Lists Making Lists Scheduling to Maximize Time and Efforts Scheduling to Maximize Time and Efforts Prioritizing Prioritizing
Master Lists and Schedules Grocery List Grocery List Monthly Meal Schedule Monthly Meal Schedule Cleaning Schedule Cleaning Schedule Family Jobs Family Jobs Trip List by Climate and Activity Trip List by Climate and Activity Family Medication Schedule Family Medication Schedule Weekly Therapy Schedule Weekly Therapy Schedule Extra-Curricular Schedule Extra-Curricular Schedule Monthly Bill Schedule Monthly Bill Schedule
Dynamic Lists and Schedules Weekly Social Activities Weekly Social Activities Exceptions to the norm such as School Holidays Exceptions to the norm such as School Holidays
Prioritize Your Responsibilities
C entralizing Your child with special needs needs to be the center of your existence. Meet the needs of this child first, and then everything else will fall into place. Do it in reverse and your life will be constant chaos. Your child with special needs needs to be the center of your existence. Meet the needs of this child first, and then everything else will fall into place. Do it in reverse and your life will be constant chaos.
The Center of Your Universe Identifying who is your sun and what are the planets in your world that revolve around your sun…If you get my drift Identifying who is your sun and what are the planets in your world that revolve around your sun…If you get my drift
My Sun
Get Over the Guilt-What it Doesn’t Mean
What We Will Be Doing We will base many decisions, both significant and not as significant, on the needs of our special needs child(ren). We will base many decisions, both significant and not as significant, on the needs of our special needs child(ren). We will create our life around their needs We will create our life around their needs
Little Decisions
Big Decisions
Reduce the Size of Your Universe Smaller home-less to do Smaller home-less to do Do your children really need to do so many extra-curricular activities? Do your children really need to do so many extra-curricular activities? Try to keep the family’s extra- curricular and leisure activities close to home or AT home Try to keep the family’s extra- curricular and leisure activities close to home or AT home
The Result Surrendering to the reality of our life sets us emotionally free Surrendering to the reality of our life sets us emotionally free We can create a world that is in balance with our reality We can create a world that is in balance with our reality Our life is structured according to a plan Our life is structured according to a plan Our life runs much more smoothly Our life runs much more smoothly
An Ever-Changing Scenario It will need an occasional tweak It will need an occasional tweak There may need to be major changes when major factors change There may need to be major changes when major factors change Needs will change-our life will change Needs will change-our life will change Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility
D elegating If you have a natural talent at organizing and centralizing, you probably will have issues with delegating. The reverse may be true as well. If you have a natural talent at organizing and centralizing, you probably will have issues with delegating. The reverse may be true as well. Natural organizers are perfectionists which often make them poor at delegating. Natural organizers are perfectionists which often make them poor at delegating. But you can learn…. But you can learn….
Of course, I am referring to myself.
Benefits of Delegating
How To Begin ME YOU
Delegating Tips If delegating seems to be tough for you, go slowly. If delegating seems to be tough for you, go slowly. Utilize everyone-including your child with special needs Utilize everyone-including your child with special needs Designing a job chart in your house with the appropriate rewards will help to promote success Designing a job chart in your house with the appropriate rewards will help to promote success Try hard not to criticize others even if they don’t complete the task as well as you would do it. Try hard not to criticize others even if they don’t complete the task as well as you would do it.
Other Ways to Improve Your Life Take the Life Satisfaction Survey
Set Goals Leisure Activities Leisure Activities Family Life Family Life Career Career Your Child with Special Needs Your Child with Special Needs Your Other Children Your Other Children Community Service Community Service
Take Care of Yourself Working Out Working Out Taking Vitamins Taking Vitamins Eating well Eating well Getting sleep Getting sleep Relaxation Techniques Relaxation Techniques Visualization Techniques Visualization Techniques Develop Hobbies Develop Hobbies Music as therapy Music as therapy
New Philosophy: You First
Make Friends With Other Parents with Special Needs Children Join Support Groups Join Support Groups Volunteer Volunteer Family Clubs Family Clubs Parent Co-Op Parent Co-Op Special Needs Playgroups Special Needs Playgroups
History of the Family Club Started in 1999 The purpose was to offer community-based activities for families that have special needs individuals We recognized that it is often difficult for these families to participate in regular community activities
Why Our Are Events Successful We ask establishments to modify the environment to make it more conducive for our families We always cover fees for the special needs individual We often cover fees for the other family members or arrange for discounts We are able to be relaxed since we are together as a group. WE ARE OPEN TO ALL FAMILIES WITH SPECIAL NEEDS INDIVIDUALS!!!
Here are some of the fun activities that we do: FUN
The Metro Zoo Families enjoyed a private tram tour of Metrozoo.
Mom’s Night Out
Summer Bowling
The Parrot Jungle