Year Two Curriculum Meeting
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The school day Each day your child will have an English (literacy) lesson. A maths lesson A phonics lesson Lunchtime Two 15 minute playtimes A topic lesson A story
Teaching Reading We use a wide range of books for teaching reading. Children read fiction and non fiction books, poetry and plays. We use big books for class reading. We use these for the focus of our weekly literacy work. We use graded reading books for group and individual reading. We have graded books for children to take home. We encourage children to take books home to practise their reading. Literacy/English
Teaching Reading - Phonics We teach phonics so that children can use their knowledge of sounds to read words. We concentrate on the sounds that groups of letters make e.g. ai, oa, ie, ee, or, oi, ue, er, ar. We use a variety of games to teach phonics We teach children how to ‘sound talk’ words. We teach children alternative letter patterns for sounds e.g. ai rain ay play a-e game
Reading Comprehension It is vital that children understand what they are reading and we spend a lot of time discussing books. We discuss the main events in stories, the different story settings, the characters and their actions and motives. Children complete written comprehension exercises. We teach children to scan the text for key words and to re-read sections of text carefully to help them to answer questions.
Helping at Home Encourage your child to read at home. Encourage your child to use the sounds they know to help read unknown words. Encourage your child to ‘sound talk’ words. Encourage your child to split longer words up into smaller parts. Talk to your child about the books they have read. Complete the weekly literacy homework sheet with your child.
What do we do? We use the Primary Framework for maths. We follow the year 2 programmes but also take examples from year 1 and year 3 as appropriate for our children. We continually assess the children both formally and informally. Maths
How do we work? The children work individually, in pairs and in groups. We often do a mental warm up, which includes recall of doubles, halves, times tables, number bonds and patterns in calculations. The main lesson involves consolidation, building upon and/or new concepts.
Numeracy or Maths Maths is split into different areas: Number – numbers, addition and subtraction, place value, fractions Geometry – shape, position and direction Statistics Measurement
Foundation subjects Religious Education Science History Geography Design and Technology Art Physical Education I.C.T Music P.S.H.E
Topics We will cover different topics over the year: Fit and healthy – keeping our body fit and healthy Light up the sky – linked to Divali and Bonfire night Victorians – people from the past Once upon a time – writing stories and making a puppet Vehicles – learning about different vehicles, designing our own vehicle and then making a vehicle Nocturnal Animals – Lots of facts about animals that come out at night and why. Far, far away - We look at Africa and compare it to Engand. We also learn about L.S Lowry.
Homework Reflects work done during the week and will give further practice. Will be discussed beforehand and would best be done with an adult alongside. Don’t put pressure on your child, have fun working together, encourage them to talk about the how and why.