Convention and Compromise
Unpacking the Standards Describe the weaknesses of government under the Articles of Confederation. Explain how national leaders met to produce a new Constitution. Discuss how the Constitutional Convention worked to create a new government for the country. After reading the section, you will be able to:
Troubles Under the Articles The new nation faced difficult problems and many Americans believed the Confederation government was too weak to deal with these challenges. After the Revolutionary War ended, the U.S. went through a depression. When economic activity slowed and unemployment increased Farmers Suffered could not sell their goods could not pay their taxes many jailed property seized Farmers Suffered could not sell their goods could not pay their taxes many jailed property seized Murmurs of protest soon grew into revolt....
Shays’s Rebellion Daniel Shays Shays, a former Army captain, and other angry farmers, forced courts in western Pennsylvania to close so judges could not confiscate farmers’ lands. January 1787 Shays leads 1000 farmers towards the federal arsenal in Springfield, Illinois. The state militia ordered the farmers to halt and then shot over the heads. Militia fired again, killing 4 rebels. Shays and his followers scatter, and the uprising is over. Shays leads 1000 farmers towards the federal arsenal in Springfield, Illinois. The state militia ordered the farmers to halt and then shot over the heads. Militia fired again, killing 4 rebels. Shays and his followers scatter, and the uprising is over. Shoulder partner What do you think an “arsenal” is?
Many National Leaders Frightened They worried that the government could not control unrest and prevent violence. “mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government” George Washington “mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government” George Washington “A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing.” Thomas Jefferson “A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing.” Thomas Jefferson Shoulder Partner #1 – Tell your partner what Washington means #2 – Tell you partner what Jefferson means #1 – Tell your partner what Washington means #2 – Tell you partner what Jefferson means
The Issue of Slavery Can the principles of the Declaration of Independence and slavery be reconciled? (can they coexist in harmony?) The Revolutionary War brought attention to the contradiction between the American battle for liberty and the practice of slavery. The North takes steps to end the institution of slavery: Quakers organize the 1 st antislavery society PA passed a law providing for the gradual freeing of slaves Some slaveholders encouraged manumission (the freeing of enslaved people)
A Call for Change James MadisonAlexander Hamilton Some national leaders called for revision of the Articles of Confederation At first, Washington was not enthusiastic about the movement to revise the Articles of Confederation, but changed his mind after hearing about Shays’s Rebellion.
The Constitutional Convention Convention Facts Who? 55 delegates (representatives) - planters, merchants, lawyers, physicians, generals, governors and a college president What ? met to revise the Articles of Confederation but realized it was not fixable and drafted a new plan of government Where ? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania When ? May 1787 Why ? many national leaders were frightened by Shays’s Rebellion and wanted a stronger federal government
Convention Leaders George Washington Presiding Officer Gouverneur Morris Final Draft Edmund Randolph Virginia James Madison “Father” of the Constitution Roger Sherman The Great Compromise
James Madison’s Virginia Plan Presented by Edmund Randolph Presented by Edmund Randolph
William Patterson’s New Jersey Plan
The Great Compromise small states happy small states happy Proposed by Roger Sherman Proposed by Roger Sherman large states happy large states happy
Check for Understanding 1.What does “bicameral” mean? 1.What does the legislative branch do? 1.What does the United States call its legislative branch? 2 house make laws Congress
Another Debate Count Enslaved People? Southern States: wanted slaves counted as population to determine representation in the House of Reps. Opposed counting slaves for the purpose of determining taxation Southern States: wanted slaves counted as population to determine representation in the House of Reps. Opposed counting slaves for the purpose of determining taxation Northern States: Opposed counting slaves as population to determine representation on the House of Reps. Favored counting slaves for the purpose of determining taxation Northern States: Opposed counting slaves as population to determine representation on the House of Reps. Favored counting slaves for the purpose of determining taxation The ⅗ Compromise: ⅗ of slaves counted as population in determining representation in the House of Reps. ⅗ of slaves would be counted for the purpose of determining taxation The ⅗ Compromise: ⅗ of slaves counted as population in determining representation in the House of Reps. ⅗ of slaves would be counted for the purpose of determining taxation V.
⅗ Compromise Every 5 slaves would count as 3 white males.
Slave Trade Northern States wanted to slow the spread of slavery and stop their importation Southern States considered slavery and the slave trade essential to their economies Congress would not interfere with the slave trade until 1808
Approving the Constitution Some delegates worried that without the protection of a bill of rights, the new national government might abuse its power. However, most delegates believed that the Constitution, with its carefully defined listing of government powers, provided adequate protection of individual rights. The Constitution is finished on September 17, 1787 Shoulder partner What do you think “adequate” means?
Ratifying the Constitution The delegates (representatives) at the convention agreed that the Constitution will go into effect when 9 out 13 states ratify it. ratify =approve