Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Year Two Welcome Afternoon. 10/09/13
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates A little about me. Film & TV
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Class Expectation. Homework. Set every Thursday due the following Tuesday. Consisting of Spelling, Maths activity and a general piece of work. In total should take around mins to complete. Completed in pencil. Completed with as much independence as possible. Should be a positive, fun experience. Completed alongside daily reading activities.
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Class Expectation. Punctuality. Reading record. Behaviour (Class charter). Hard work and progress!
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Class Expectation. Weekly Routine.
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Communication. After school. Reading record. Letters and notes. Parents evening/consultation.
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Electronic Communication. School website. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) renas/year2
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Curriculum. Topics. Child led learning. Varied and creative. Specific curriculum foci (handwriting, spelling.)
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Further routines. Named P.E. Kits. Hair tied up. Birthday treats. End of day collection.
Rowledge Year 2 Welcome Presentation J.Yates Any Questions?