Update on Assessment Without Levels Mathematics Network Meeting 11 th June 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Update on Assessment Without Levels Mathematics Network Meeting 11 th June 2015

Context The new National Curriculum. Assessment without levels for all year groups except Year 2 and Year 6 in the 2014 to 2015 academic year. Assessment without levels for all year groups from September May 2014 Luton Assessment Working Party was set up.


Assessment Working Party outcomes Briefing papers. Assessment Health Check session on 1 st July Conference on Principled Assessment Design led by Dylan Wiliam on 3rd September 2015.

Government Consultations Consultation on Key Descriptors Response to the consultation was the setting up of a Commission on Assessment without levels (March 2015). Membership, terms of reference and a statement of intended outputs are published. Guidance to be published by the end of the summer term.

OfSTED As part of its aim to provide clear information to schools, the Commission will work with Ofsted to clarify for schools the role that assessment without levels will play in the inspection process. This will help to illustrate how schools can demonstrate the effectiveness of their chosen approaches to assessment for both monitoring pupil progress and informing teaching, without adding to teacher workload.

Back to the beginning The new National Curriculum Tim Oates ‘Opening the door to deeper understanding.’

Mathematics Curriculum Look for the Big Ideas Link into Teaching for Mastery and Debbie Morgan’s view: How could you assess? How could you track pupils’ progress? How can you evidence an effective assessment system and provide accurate information about pupils’ progress in a way that is easily understood by pupils, parents and governors?