The University of Tulsa - Physics (421) Bachelor of Science Name________________________________________________________ I.D.#.________________________________________________________ GEN ELEC. 3 PHYS 4033 PR: PHYS 3053 CR: MATH 4000 PHYS 4043 PR: PHYS 4033 PHYS ELEC. PR: PHYS 3053 PHYS 3043 PR: PHYS 2073 PHYS 4982 SR STANDING PHYS 3112 PR:EE 2003 PR: EE 2001 PHYS 4981 SR STANDING PHYS 4003 PR: PHYS 3053 EE 2001 MATH ELEC. PHYS 4063 PR: PHYS 3053 ENGL 3003 PR: ENGL 1033 JR. STANDING PHYS 2073 PR: PHYS 2063 CR: MATH 2073 MATH 3073 PR:MATH 2024 PHYS 2071 CS 2503 or CS 1043 MATH 2073 PR: MATH 2024 PHYS ELEC. PR: PHYS 3053 EE 2003 PR: PHYS 2063 CR: MATH 2073 PHYS 2063 PR: PHYS 2053 CR: MATH 2024 PHYS 2051 CR: PHYS 2053 PHYS 2061 GEN ELEC. 3 PHYS 2053 CR: MATH 2014 MATH 2024 PR:MATH 2014 PHYS 1001 MATH 2014 ENGL 1033 CHEM 1013 CHEM 1011 Effective Date: June 1, 2006 Minimum Hours for Graduation: Hours17 Hours Freshman Year 17 Hours15 Hours Sophomore Year 17 Hours14 Hours Junior Year 14 Hours16 Hours Senior Year 1 Tulsa Curriculum Courses may be taken in any order. No more than 2 courses from a single department. Math 4123, Math 4133, Math 4143, or Stat Selected with the approval of students faculty advisor. Phys 4073, Phys 4503, Phys 4523, Phys BLOCK-I 1 1 BLOCK-II 1 6/1/06 1 BLOCK-II 1 1 Tulsa Curriculum Courses Math, Basic Science, ES Major courses GEN ELEC PHYS 3053 CR MATH 3073 PR PHYS 2073 PHYS 3072 PR:
Name:_____________________________________ I. D. #:_____________________________________ OTHER Course CR Grade Remarks ENGL 1033 ENGL 3033 CS ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ _________ Total: 9 Cr. Hrs GENERAL ELECTIVES Course CR Grade Remarks ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Total: 30 Cr Hrs Comments:________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ TULSA CURRICULUM (H & SS) Block Course CR Grade Remarks I II ___________ ___________ ___________ __ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ _________ Total:18 Cr Hrs. Physics/B.S. (421) Effective Date: June 1, 2006 Minimum Hours for Graduation:126 Course CR Grade Remarks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Total:38 Cr Hrs Math & Basic Sciences 31 cr hrs Tulsa Curriculum (H & SS) 18 cr hrs Advanced Physics 38 cr hrs Other 9 cr hrs General Electives 30 cr hrs Total 126 cr hrs 1 See other side for additional notations. PHYSICS PROFESSIONAL COURSES PHYS 2073 PHYS 3112 PHYS 3043 PHYS 3053 PHYS 3072 PHYS 4063 PHYS 4003 PHYS 4033 PHYS 4043 PHYS 4981 PHYS 4982 PHYS Elec. EE 2001 EE 2003 MATHEMATICS Course CR Grade Remarks MATH 2014 MATH 2024 MATH 2073 MATH 3073 MATH ____ 4 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Total:17 Cr Hrs BASIC SCIENCES Course CR Grade Remarks CHEM 1011 CHEM 1013 PHYS 1001 PHYS 2051 PHYS 2053 PHYS 2061 PHYS 2063 PHYS ___ ___ ___ ___ Total:14 Cr Hrs