Title I Faculty Presentation Faculty Title I and AYP Combined Presentation
No Child Left Behind Act NCLB is the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act originally passed under President Johnson’s Administration Title I is part of the NCLB Act All requirements regarding Title I are specified in the NCLB Act of
Title I 130 Title I schools in Palm Beach County for FY11 101 Public Schools 23 Charter Schools 6 Alternative Schools Charter and Alternative Schools must follow same requirements as other public schools 3
Purpose of Title I To ensure ALL children have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity for a high quality education 4
Qualifying for Funding Each year schools are identified as Title I based on the percentage of students in the school eligible for free and reduced (f/r) price meals on Date Certain. Date Certain for the FY11 school year was December 18, Schools meeting the minimum percentage qualify for Title I funding. The FY11 percentage is 45% for high schools and 50% for middle and elementary schools. 5
Qualifying for Funding The number of eligible students is multiplied by the per pupil allocation. Example On Date Certain, 312 students were eligible for f/r priced meals at Sunshine Elementary. This group represents 69% of the total student population. Per pupil allocation = $355 (set by District) School allocation = 312 x $355 or $110,760 6
Highly Qualified Staff ALL core subject area teachers must be highly qualified: Bachelor’s degree State certification For elementary teachers, a rigorous test For new middle/secondary teachers, a rigorous test or major coursework ALL non-instructional staff providing academic support to students must be highly qualified: Two years of college or 60 college credits or Pass a rigorous test Teachers must be highly qualified upon hiring in the following core content areas: elementary education, reading, math, science, social science, English, and foreign language 7
Professional Development Must be evidenced-based and on-going Must be reflected in the School Improvement Plan/Schoolwide Plan (SIP/SWP) Must address the needs of students in all subgroups with an emphasis on those not meeting AYP All out-of-county/state travel must be documented in the SIP/SWP and related to subgroups not meeting AYP 8
9 Required for Audit Documentation Professional Development
Parents’ Right to Know The professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher and paraprofessional. If their child is taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified for four or more consecutive weeks, the parents must receive timely notice. FCAT results must be provided to parents regarding the achievement level of their child. 10
Family Involvement Karen Mapp, parent involvement researcher at Harvard Graduate School of Education, says students in schools with solid family involvement programs: Are more likely to enroll in higher-level programs and earn more credits Have better social skills, behavior, and adapt more easily to school Attend more regularly and are more likely to graduate 11
Family Involvement School-Parent Compact A compact is an agreement between the home and the school, which outlines how families, staff and students will share the responsibility for improving student achievement. A compact is an agreement between the home and the school, which outlines how families, staff and students will share the responsibility for improving student achievement. Written with input from parents and staff Required to document distribution of Compact Compact reviewed with parents at a parent/teacher conference Addresses the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis 12
Family Involvement Family Involvement Policy/Plan Jointly developed with input from parents and staff Required to document distribution of Family Involvement Policy Provide parent trainings and meetings at flexible times Involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely way in planning, reviewing, and improving Title I programs Provide parents with an opportunity to submit dissenting views if the SIP is not acceptable to them Educate teachers and other staff on the value and contributions of parents, how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents 13
Family Involvement Positive Impact Activities: Frequent face-to-face, written or phone contact between teachers and parents School-based parent activities, which help train parents to work with their children at home Interactive homework assignments that require parents to participate in learning
The Federal Consequences of Not Making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
16 Federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Measures proficiency of all students in reading, math, and writing Measures graduation rates School must receive grade of “C” or better If a Title I school does not make AYP in all areas and all subgroups, consequences are applied
YearReadingMath Proficiency Targets for AYP Each year proficiency targets increase
18 Federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) NCLB requires all schools to measure Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) ALL public schools receive AYP designation Non-Title I Schools Title I Schools Charter Schools AYP measures progress of nine subgroups
19 Nine Subgroups Total Students White Black Hispanic Asian American Indian Economically Disadvantaged Students Limited English Proficient Students (ELL) Students with Disabilities (SWD)
20 No Adequate Yearly Progress (NAYP) ALL schools receive an AYP designation Under No Child Left Behind, only Title I schools receive consequences if AYP not met “School in Need of Improvement” (SINI) after 2 years of NAYP
21 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) AYP determines which Title I schools and students are eligible for NCLB Choice Options.
22 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report Insert your school’s AYP Report
23 Federal Consequences for Not Making AYP (NAYP). * Consequences are cumulative. Each year same consequences apply, plus new consequences added 1 Year NAYPReview School Improvement Plan – Address subgroups not meeting AYP 2 Years NAYP - SINI 1*Supplemental Educational Services 3 Years NAYP - SINI 2*NCLB Choice Transfer with Transportation 4 Years NAYP - SINI 3*Corrective Action Plan 5 Years NAYP - SINI 4*Planning for Restructuring 6 Years NAYP - SINI 5*Implement Restructuring Plan 7 Years NAYP - SINI 6*Implement Restructuring Plan, year 2 8 Years NAYP - SINI 7*Implement Restructuring Plan, year 3 9 Years NAYP - SINI 8*Implement Restructuring Plan, year 4
24 NCLB Choice Options for all SINI Schools All parents of students attending a Title I school that does not make AYP for two or more years are offered choices for their child’s education. School did not make AYP NCLB Choice 2 or more Years Remain at Assigned School OR Receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES) (if eligible) 3 or More Years Remain at Assigned School OR Receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES) (if eligible) OR Transfer to Another School
25 Corrective Action - SINI 3 Replace school staff relevant to failure to make AYP Implement new curriculum Decrease management authority at school Extend school year or school day Restructure internal organization of the school No Child Left Behind dictates one or more of the following options:
26 Reopening as public charter school Replacing school staff, including principal Entering into contract with a private entity State takeover Other major restructuring reform No Child Left Behind dictates one or more of the following options for restructuring: Planning for Restructuring - SINI 4
27 Restructuring - SINI 5 Reopening as public charter school Replacing school staff, including principal Entering into contract with a private entity State takeover Other major restructuring reform No Child Left Behind dictates one or more of the following options for restructuring: Implement the Plan prepared while a SINI 4
28 Restructuring - SINI 6, 7, 8, and 9 Continue implementing Restructuring Plan
29 Two Accountability Systems Federal No Child Left Behind AYP State Differentiated Accountability School Grades + AYP
30 Two Accountability Systems Uses AYP Schools in Need of Improvement Corrective Action Planning for Restructuring Restructuring Federal No Child Left Behind State Differentiated Accountability Uses AYP and School Grades Prevent IPrevent II Correct ICorrect II Not in DAIntervene
31 Discuss your school’s DA Category and District Interventions Florida’s Differentiated Accountability (DA) Plan