Maths Curriculum Aims: How is the new curriculum different? What happens in each year group? What can I do as a parent to support my child?
The New Curriculum aims: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions
Aims of the new curriculum Problem solving Fluency Reasoning Daily counting
Foundation stage Counting with objects Reading and writing numbers Adding and subtracting with objects Writing addition and subtraction number sentences with support Identify and create repeated patterns Identify and construct with basic 2D shapes
Year 1 Number & Place value: Read and write numbers up to 100 as digits Count forwards and backwards from any number including past 100 Count in 2s, 5s and 10s Find 1 more/less Recognise that the digit 5 in 54 has a different value than 5 in 504. Calculations: Use +, - and = symbols to write number calculations Fractions: Understand ½ and ¼ to explain parts of an object & counting objects Measurements & Shape – see the parental guide Maths at home: counting objects, dominoes, Snakes and Ladders
Year 2 Number and Place Value Recognise place value in 2 digit numbers Read & write numbers to 100 as words Count in steps of 2s, 3s, 5s Compare and order numbers up to 100 Use the < symbol to represent relative sizes Calculations Recall number bonds up to 20 fluently Add & subtract numbers mentally and using objects, including 2 digit numbers Adding is commutative but subtraction is not Adding and subtraction are inverse operations Learn and recall multiplication facts and related division facts for 2x, 5x, 10x tables Multiplication is commutative but division is not. Solve word problems involving X and ÷ Fractions Find ¼, ½ and ¾ of an object or set of objects e.g. find ½ of 6 Measurements , Shape & Graphs and Data – see booklet Maths at home – encouraging help from the children in buying simple shopping working out the change, measuring themselves or whilst cooking. Number bonds to 20 is not just 17 +3 = 20. it includes all number bonds up to a total of 20. Children need to know that 9 +5 =14 and recall this information rapidly too. Model how we would add in KS1 – numberline model on the board to show addition and also subtraction –find the difference and take away subtractions. Model arrays for 3 x 4 and 4 x 3 as displays fro mulitplication and how we would share pictorially
End of Key Stage 1 tests Arithmetic test (15 questions) Eg. 3 + 7 65 + = 93 8 x 10 ¾ of 40 Reasoning test (lasts around 35minutes but not timed) Eg. Sita puts 2 shoes in each of these 7 boxes. How many are there altogether?
Year 3 Number and Place Value Count in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 Recognise the place value of digits in 3 digit numbers Read and write numbers to 1000 using digits and words Compare and order numbers to 1000 Calculations Add and subtract numbers mentally, including + 1, 10, 100 to 3 digit Use the standard column method for addition and subtraction (up to 3 digits) Estimate the answers to calculations and use the inverse to check Learn 3x, 4x, 8x tables and related division facts. Solve problems involving multiplication and division involving 2 digits. Fractions Understand and use tenths, including counting in tenths Recognise and show equivalent fractions with small denominators Add and subtract simple fractions where the total will be less than a whole eg. ⅛ + ⅜ Sequence simple fractions into size order Measurements , Shape & Graphs and Data – see booklet Maths at home – keep rehearsing those skills from the previous years. Arrays linked to grid method which is the ground work for short multiplication – model grid method
Year 4 Number and Place Value Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000 Count backwards including negative numbers Recognise the place value of digits in 4 digit numbers Read Roman numerals up to 100 Order numbers, including those >100 Round any number to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 Calculations Use standard method of column addition and subtraction for values up to 4 digits Solve 2-step problems involving addition and subtraction Know multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 = 144 Use knowledge of place value, multiplication facts to solve larger calculations Use factor pairs to solve mental calculations eg 9 x 7 = 3 x 3 x 7 Use the standard short multiplication (3 digit x 2 digit) Know all times tables!!! Use known facts: eg 15 x 7 could be broken into 10 x 7 = 70 and 5 x 7 =35 so 15 x 7 = 77 Model short multiplication
Year 4 continued Use hundredths including counting in hundredths Fractions Use hundredths including counting in hundredths Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator – total may be over whole. eg. ⅝ + ⅞ = 12/8 Convert tenths and hundredths into the decimal equivalent. Recognise the decimal equivalents of 1/4 , ½, and ¾ Divide 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 or 100 to give decimal answer. Round decimals to nearest whole number Compare the size of numbers with up to 2 decimal places. Measurements , Shape & Graphs and Data – see booklet See the fraction line as the division symbol so 12/8 would be seen as 12 divided by 8. So expected to be converted into 1 and 4/8 = 1 ½
Year 5 Number and Place Value Recognise and use the place value of digits in numbers up to 1 million Use negative numbers, including in contexts such as temperature Round any number to nearest 10,100, 1000, 10,000 & 100,000 Read Roman numerals including years Calculations Addition and subtraction with numbers > 4 digits Use rounding to estimate calculations and check answers are of reasonable size Find factors of numbers, including common factors of 2 numbers Know prime numbers up to 19 by heart and find primes up to 100 Use standard methods for long multiplication and short division Multiply and divide numbers mentally by 10, 100 or 1000 Recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers Much of y5 knowledge relies on number facts being easily recalled. Finding common factors relies on the children knowing their multiplication facts. Maths at home to keep these skills sharp is so important!
Year 5 continued Order fractions with the same denominator Find equivalent fractions Convert between improper fractions and mixed number fractions Add and subtract simple fractions with related denominators Eg 2/3 + 1/6 Convert decimals to fractions e.g. 0.71 = 71/100 Round decimals to nearest tenth Compare the size of numbers with up to 3 decimal places. Begin to use % symbol to relate to the ‘number of parts per hundered’ Measurements , Shape & Position & Graphs and Data – see booklet Much of y5 knowledge relies on number facts being easily recalled. Finding common factors relies on the children knowing their multiplication facts. Maths at home to keep these skills sharp is so important!
Year 6 Number and Place Value Work with numbers up to ten million, including negative numbers Round any number to any required number of digits or magnitude Calculations Use standard methods for long multiplication (4 digit by 2 digit) Use standard methods for long division (4 digit by 2 digit) Find common factors, common multiples and prime numbers Carry out complex calculations according to the mathematical order of operations (BIDMAS or BODMAS) Solve complex problems using all 4 operations.
Year 6 continued Use common factors to simplify fractions Add fractions with different denominators Place a group of fractions in order Multiply pairs of fractions together Divide fractions by whole numbers e.g. ⅓ ÷ 2 Use division to calculate the decimal equivalent of a fraction Know and use common equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages. Measurements , Shape & Position & Graphs and Data – see booklet Model how to divide using bar method
Year 6 continued Ratio & proportion Find % of quantities e.g. 15% or 45% Use ratio to explain relationships and solve problems Use simple scale factors for drawings, shapes and diagrams Algebra Use simple formulae Describe sequences of numbers where the increase between values is the same Solve missing number problems using algebra Find possible solutions to problems with two variables such as: a + b = 10 Measurements , Shape & Position & Graphs and Data – see booklet
End of Key Stage 2 tests Arithmetic paper: 30 minutes to answer between 30-40 questions! Eg. 979 + 100 = ÷ 6 = 2331 – 37 ¾ + ⅞ = Paper 1 & 2: mathematical reasoning (30 mins, 40 marks) Eg. A pack of paper has 150 sheets. 4 children each take 7 sheets. How many sheets of paper are left in the pack? One gram of gold costs £32.94. What is the cost of half a kilogram of gold?
Mathletics A website to support the aims of the new curriculum Used in class and at home Homework set using it from Y1 upwards Recognised across the world as a fantastic resource to support especially the fluency and speed of recall. Children will be given/ have been given logins and are excited about the resource.
Other ideas… Conker maths – KIRFs Maths at home ideas Positive talk at home about maths Around the room, there are examples of tests papers – please do not take Also examples of resources we would use to help us.
Thank you Any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher. Alternatively you can always contact me via the school office.