Red Light – No Devices will be used. All mobile learning devices are to be put away in backpacks and not visible. Yellow Light – Waiting to use Devices. All mobile devices are to be turned off and placed under desks. Green Light – Yes Devices will be used and should be on top of desks. Must have a signed BYOT contract by Thursday to use mobile learning devices in the classroom.
Device Disobedience: 1 st offense – loss of privilege for 2 weeks in all classes 2 nd offense – loss of privilege for 1 month in all classes 3 rd offense – loss of privilege for the remainder of the semester in all classes. Demerits will be issued by administration when appropriate. Photos and recordings may be made only with the teacher’s permission when connected to an assignment.
Phones are not considered mobile learning devices in the classroom and are not to be used. Devices are not to be used in the café or in chapel. Lock devices in locker or keep them with you in your book bag. Lost devices will be turned into the MS office. has valuable parent and student information.
Follow the guidelines in the BYOT handbook on No cyber bullying, plagiarizing, or cheating Only appropriate content and safe online searches Stay on task!
Students without a device can be paired with students with a device. Alternative assignments can be given and submitted on paper. Devices can be checked out if planned ahead and if devices are available. Go to Mrs. Fairly ahead of time and sign out an I pad Go to Mr. D. Jones ahead of time and sign out a laptop. Please do not disrupt these classes.
Students divide into groups of “like” devices First, take out your devices and share and discuss how you already use your device. Second, discuss how devices should be used appropriately at school. Third, discuss what could happen when devices are used irresponsibly. Last, share and discuss any social studies resources that you have used on your device. Be ready to share your thoughts with the entire class.
Sign up for Click “I am a student” Complete the simple sign-up form Click “join” Enter the group code “ennhrs” Success! The name of the group you joined is now listed on the left side bar. More user guide Who can find and answer the 2 questions that were hidden in the posts?
Tonight go to edmodo and respond to the teacher question posted by me ;)